Dec 11, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Administration and Faculty

The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents

(Date indicates year term expires.)

Phil Adams Bryan/College Station 2015
Tony Buzbee Houston 2019
Morris Foster Austin 2019
Elaine Mendoza San Antonio 2017
Judy Morgan Texarkana 2017

Charles Schwartz

Jim Schwertner





Cliff Thomas Victoria 2017
John White Houston 2015

The A&M System Administration

John Sharp-chancellor, The Texas A&M University System

West Texas A&M University Administrative Officers

J. Patrick O’Brien, Ph.D.-president, West Texas A&M University

Wade Shaffer, Ph.D.–provost and vice president for academic affairs

Gary Barnes, B.B.A.-vice president for business and finance

Denese Skinner, M.A.-interim vice president for student affairs

Dan D. Garcia, M.A.-vice president for enrollment management

Neal Weaver, Ph.D.-vice president for institutional advancement

James Webb, M.B.A.-chief information officer


Don Topliff, Ph.D.-College of Agriculture, Science and Engineering

Neil Terry, Ph.D.-College of Business

E.W. Henderson, Ed.D.-College of Education and Social Sciences

Jessica Mallard, Ph.D.-Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities

Dirk Nelson, Ph.D.-College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Angela Spaulding, Ed.D.-Graduate School

Faculty and Professional Librarians

(Dates in parentheses indicate year of appointment to WTAMU faculty.)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Abdullat, Amjad A.-associate dean for undergraduate programs in College of Business; professor of computer information systems (1998). B.S., B.A., California State University; M.B.A., National University; Ed.D., Pepperdine University.

Alex, Rajan-professor of computer science (1995). B.S., University of Kerala, India; M.S., New Mexico State University; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Allen, Susan - director of PACE Program; instructor of education (2000). B.S., M.Ed., West Texas A&M University

Almas, Lal-professor of agricultural business and economics (2001). M.S., West Texas A&M University; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University; D.V.M., University of Agriculture, Pakistan.

Ambrose, William G.-assistant professor of mathematics (1967). B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University.

Amos, Susan-instructor of Spanish (2008). B.A., Baylor University; M.A., University of Southern Mississippi.

Andersen, Amy-Head of Department of Education; associate professor of education (1998). B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., University of Houston.

Anwar, Syed Tariq-professor of marketing (1987). B.S., Government College-Lahore, Pakistan; M.A., University of Punjab; M.B.A., D.B.A., United States International University.

Atchison, Timothy B.-associate professor of psychology (2002). B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.S., Abilene Christian University; Ph.D., University of Houston.


Babb, Jeffry S.-Neil and Anne Terry Professor of Business; assistant professor of computer information systems (2009). B.S., University of Hawaii-Manoa; M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University.

Babitzke, Joel B.-instructor of biology (1993). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Baker, Lance-associate professor of animal science (1995). B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.

Barbee, Gary-associate professor of environmental science (2009). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Barnes, Larry-associate professor of communication disorders (2002). B.S. Baptist Bible College, M.Div., Denver Seminary; M.S., West Texas A&M University; SLP.D., Nova Southeastern University.

Bartlett, Michelle-assistant professor of sports and exercise sciences (2009). B.S., Syracuse University; M.S., Ed.D., West Virginia University.

Bartley, Mark-associate professor of music; director of orchestral activities (2006). B.M., M.M., University of Texas; D.M.A., Boston University.

Beaty, Darla-assistant professor of social work (2010). B.A., Stephen F. Austin State University; M.S.S.W., University of Texas-Arlington; Ph.D., University of Houston.

Beckley, Robert E.-professor of sociology (1975). B.A., M.A., Baylor University; Ph.D., The American University.

Bigham, Gary-assistant professor of education (2008). B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., Texas Tech University.

Bingham, Douglas P.-associate dean of College of Agriculture, Science and Engineering; professor of biology (1970). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Brigham Young University.

Bingham, Teri L.-associate professor of education (1993). B.A., Brigham Young University; M.S., National University; Ed.D., University of California-Los Angeles.

Blackburn, Helen - Yvonne Franklin Chair of Music; assistant lecturer of music (2012). B.M., West Texas A&M University; M.M., Northwestern University.

Blanton, Debra - clinical assistant professor (2013). B.A., University of South Florida, Ph.D., University of South Alabama.

Blaser, Brock-assistant professor of plant science (2009). B.S., Brigham Young University; M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State University.

Blodgett, Billy - assistant professor of social work (2012). B.A., Oral Roberts University; M.S.S.W., University of Texas - Arlington; Ph.D., North Texas State University.

Bogener, Stephen-assistant professor of history (2008). B.A., Texas A&I University; M.A., Sul Ross State University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Bouma, Carolyn L.-associate professor of biology (2005). B.A., McDaniel College; Ph.D., John Hopkins University.

Bowman, Timothy - assistant professor of history (2012). B.B.A., Texas Christian Univeristy; M.A., University of Texas - Arlington; Ph.D., Southern Methodist University.

Branson, Marietta-assistant professor of nursing (1998). B.S.N., Texas Tech University; M.S.N., West Texas A&M University; DHS, NOVA Southeastern University.

Brantley, Royal Rugel-professor of theatre (1984). B.A., West Texas A&M University; M.F.A., Trinity University; Dallas Theater Center.

Brasington, Bruce-professor of history (1990). B.A., Oklahoma State University; M.A., Southern Methodist University; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles.

Brock, Meagan—assistant professor of management (2011). B.A., University of Montana; M.S., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma.

Brooks, B.J.-associate professor of music (2008). B.M.E., Eastern New Mexico University; M.A., West Texas A&M University; D.M.A., Texas Tech University

Brown, Carole-instructor of nursing (2004). B.S.N., University of Texas at Arlington; M.S.N., Texas Woman’s University.

Brown, Michael S.-professor of ruminant nutrition (1999). B.S., South Dakota State University; M.S., Ph.D., New Mexico State University.

Browning, B. Leigh-professor of mass communication (1991). B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.A., Kansas State University; Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi.

Bruce, Kim-assistant lecturer of mass communication (2007). B.A., M.A, West Texas A&M University.

Burnett, Sharon K. - associate professor of accounting (2013). B.S., M.B.A., University of Arkansas; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.

Byrd, Gary R.-professor of psychology (1975). B.A., Southeastern Louisiana University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.


Cain, Butler-assistant professor of mass communication (2010). B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Alabama.

Calvi, James V.-associate dean of College of Education and Social Sciences; Teel Bivins Professor of American Politics; professor of political science (1982). B.A., M.A., Oklahoma State University; Ph.D., University of Missouri.

Campbell, Ashley-associate professor of education (2005). B.S., M.S., Ed.D, Texas Tech University.

Cansler, Joe Ella-associate professor of music (1996). B.M.E., M.A., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Cao, Zixia (Summer) - assistant professor of marketing (2012). B.S., M.S., Wuhan University, China; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Capt, Robin-assistant professor of education (2008). B.S., University of Texas-Austin; M.Ed., Texas State University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Carlisle, Gene O.-professor of chemistry (1970). B.S., M.S., East Texas State University; Ph.D., University of North Texas.

Carpenter, Tina-professor of music (1986). B.M.E., Florida State University; M.M., Eastman School of Music; D.M., Florida State University.

Casebolt, Jeffrey - instructor of sports and exercise sciences (2012). B.S., M.S., California State University.

Castillo, Yvette-assistant professor of education (2007). B.A., M.S., M.A., Ph.D.,Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Cepeda, Joseph C.-professor of geology (1977). B.S., University of Texas-Austin; M.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin.

Chang, Byungik-director of Alternative Energy Institute; assistant professor of civil engineering (2009). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State University.

Chase, Charles M.-associate professor of sports and exercise sciences (1992). B.A., Winona State University; M.S., Mankato State University; Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado.

Chen, Gerald Y.-associate professor of engineering technology (1979). B.Ed., National Taiwan Normal University; M.A., Eastern Michigan University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Chenoweth, Linda-head of reference services (2003). B.S., University of Wyoming; M.L.S., University of North Texas.

Clark, Elizabeth-associate professor of history (2000). B.A., University of Richmond; M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas.

Clark, Paul H.-associate professor of history (2002). B.A., Baylor University; M.A., University of Kansas; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh.

Clewett, Catherine-assistant professor of physics (2010). B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Washington University; Ph.D., New Mexico Tech University.

Clewett, Donald - instructor of mathematics (2012). B.A., University of Arizona; M.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Coleman, Susan-instructor of political science (1982). B.S., M.A., West Texas State University; J.D., Texas Tech University.

Combs, Randel L.-associate professor of mathematics (1991). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., New Mexico State University.

Commissiong, Anand-assistant professor of political science (2008). B.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University.

Cooley, John W.-professor of management (1998). B.S., McNeese State University; M.B.A., Lamar University; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.

Cooley, Karen-instructor of accounting (2006). B.B.A., Texas Tech University; M.B.A., West Texas A&M University.

Correa, Priscella - instructor of nursing (2012). B.S.N., M.S.N., West Texas A&M University.

Craig, David-associate professor of physics (2004). B.S., Rhodes College, M.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining; Ph.D., University of Mississippi.

Crandall, Stephen-assistant professor of theatre (2010). B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.F.A, University of Nevada.

Cross, Brenda - head of Department of Communication Disorders; instructor of communication disorders (2012). B.S., Au.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

Crowell, Kimberly - instructor of sports and exercise sciences (2012). B.S., University of Nevada; M.S., Indiana University; M.A., West Virginia University.

Cruz, Mary Jane-instructor of mathematics (1995). B.S, M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Cuevas, Maureen-associate professor of social work (2002). B.A., M.S.S.W., Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin.


Dane, Chris-athletic training education program clinical coordinator; instructor of sports and exercise sciences (2008). B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.Ed., Texas State University.

Davenport, Deborah A.-associate professor of nursing (1984). B.S.N., Texas Woman’s University; M.S.N., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University.

Davidson, Sandra V.-instructor of Spanish (1998). B.A.. M.A., West Texas A&M University; M.A., Texas Tech University.

Davis, Freddie-associate professor of engineering (2001). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Davis, Lisa A.-associate professor of nursing (2005). B.A., University of Arkansas; M.S., M.P.H., University of Oklahoma; Ph.D. Texas Women’s University.

Dé Armond, Dé Arno-Gene Edwards Professor of Financial Planning; assistant professor of finance (2003). B.B.A., M.B.A., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

DeButte, Maxine-assistant professor of psychology (2009). B.S., Trent University; M.S., Ph.D., Carleton University.

Denton, Kenneth-instructor of psychology (2009). B.S., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

DeOtte, Robert-professor of environmental engineering (2005). B.S., Texas A&M University; M.S., Colorado State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Diego-Medrano, Elsa-instructor of education (2008). B.S., M.Ed., Texas Tech University.

Doty, Jeffrey-Wendy and Stanley Marsh 3 Endowed Professor in Shakespeare Studies; assistant professor of English (2009). B.A., Tarleton State University; M.A., University of North Texas; Ph.D., University of Iowa.

Drumheller, Kristina-associate professor of communication studies (2006). B.A., Texas Tech University; M.A., Southwest Texas State University; Ph.D., University of Missouri at Columbia.

DuBois, Ted A.-professor of music (1980). B.M., M.A., California State University-Long Beach; Ph.D., University of Southern California.

Dysert, Raylene - instructor of English (2007). B.A., University of North Colorado; M.A., West Texas A&M University.


Easley, Megan - instructor of art (2012). B.A., M.F.A., West Texas A&M University.

Ely, Steve - reference librarian (2008). B.A. Grove City College; M.L.I.S. University of Pittsburgh.



Fiaud, Vanessa-assistant professor of sports and exercise sciences (2009). B. S., Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle; M.Ed., Southwestern Oklahoma University; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University.

Flynn, Nick E.-head of Department of Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics; professor of biochemistry (2010). B.S., Ph.D, Texas A&M University.

Frish, Scott S.-associate professor of art (2003). B.F.A, M.F.A., University of Arizona.

Friske, Karyn-Stanley Schaeffer Professor of Business Ethics; professor of accounting (2007). B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Furner, Christopher P.-assistant professor of computer information systems (2008). B.S., M.B.A., East Carolina University; Ph.D., Florida State University.


Garcia, Andrew—instructor of political science (2011). B.A., Baylor University; J.D., University of Kansas.

Garcia, Beth - instructor of education (2012). B.A., M.Ed., West Texas A&M University.

Gerlich, R. Nicholas-J. Pat Hickman Professor of Marketing; professor of marketing (1989). B.A., Anderson University; M.B.A., Ph.D., Indiana University.

Ghosh, Nabarun-professor of biology (2000). B.S., B.Ed., M.S., Ph.D., University of Calcutta; Ph.D., University of North Texas.

Gill, Kristina-assistant professor of mathematics (2004). B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University .

Green, Leigh - assistant professor of education (2012). B.S., University of Tennessee; M.Ed., Ph.D., Ttexas Tech University.

Gregory, Mona - instructor of communication studies (2009). B.S., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Gunter, Tana-instructor of education (1991). B.S., M.Ed., West Texas A&M University.


Haaje, Lina - instructor of mathematics (2009). B.S., St. Joseph University; M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Haasl, Richard A.-instructor of sports and exercise sciences (2005). B.S., Panhandle State University; M.Ed., Northeastern State University.

Haiduk, H. Paul-assistant lecturer of computer science; coordinator of Computer Science Program (2001). B.B.A., M.B.A., West Texas A&M University.

Hansen, Robert H.-director of School of Music; interim head, Department of Art, Theatre and Dance; professor of music (1987). B.A., Northwestern University; M.M., Boston University; D.M.A., University of North Texas.

Hanson, Trudy-head of Department of Communication; professor of communication studies (1989). B.S., M.A., Louisiana State University; Ed.D., Texas Tech University.

Hart, David-assistant professor of English; director of Writing Center (2007). B.A., Georgia State University; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Georgia.

Hart (Smith), Monica - associate professor of English (2006). B.F.A., Auburn University; M.F.A., Ph.D., University of Georgia.

Hartin, Vicki-instructor of nursing (2006). B.S.N., Texas Tech University; M.S.N., West Texas A&M University.

Hawkins, Dean-head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences; professor of animal science (2009). B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Henderson, Eddie-dean of College of Education and Social Sciences, professor of education (2000). B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Texas Tech University; J.D., Texas Tech University.

Hindman, Janet - assistant professor of education (2012). B.S., M.A., West Texas A&M University; Ed.D., Texas Tech University.

Holliday, Chad-assistant professor of art (2008). B.F.A., Emporia State University; M.F.A., Rochester Institute of Technology.

Hogan, Thomas—assistant professor of economics (2011). B.B.A., M.B.A., University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D., George Mason University.

Horsley, David-instructor of English (2005). B.A., West Texas A&M University; M.Div., Southern Baptist Theology Seminary; M.A., Texas Tech University.

Hueston, Harry-professor of criminal justice (2000). B.S., Kent State University; M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., University of Arizona.

Hulsey, Ron - instructor of sports and exercise sciencses and head athletic trainer (2007). B.S., M.S. West Texas A&M University.

Humpherys, Sean—T. Boone Pickens Professor of Business; assistant professor of computer information systems (2011). B.S., M.I.S.M., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., University of Arizona.

Hunt, Aaron - instructor of education (2012). B.S., Texas Tech University; M.Ed., West Texas A&M University.

Hunt, Alexander-Haley Professor of Western Studies; professor of English (2002). B.A., M.A., Colorado State University; Ph.D., University of Oregon.

Hunt, Emily M.-interim director of School of Engineering and Computer Science; professor of mechanical engineering (2005). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Hwang, Sang Kyeom-associate professor of education (2001). B.A., Chonbuk National University-Korea; M.Ed., Ed.Sp., Ed.D., University of Missouri-Columbia.


Irish, Shawn-assistant professor of theatre (2008). B.A., Missouri Southern State University; M.F.A., University of Arkansas.

Issa, Roy-associate professor of mechanical engineering (2004). B.S., M.S., University of Tennessee; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh.


Jackson, Matthew-associate professor of engineering (2007). B.S., Wayland Baptist University; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Jacobs, Duane - instructor of mathematics (2009). B.S., M.A., Eastern New Mexico University.

Jacobsen, Martin M.-associate professor of English (1999). B.A., Peru State College; M.A., University of Nebraska-Omaha; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Jafar, Musa-Phil Gensler Professor of Computer Information Systems; associate professor of computer information systems (2004). B.S., Haigazian College; M.S., American University of Beirut; M.S., Ph.D., University of Arizona.

Jarvis, Mary-assistant director of information and library resources (2000). B.A., M.L.S., University of North Texas; M.A., Midwestern State University.

Jekova-Goza, Rossitza-Harrington lecturer in music (2010). B.S., M.M., Louisiana State University; D.M.A., Cleveland Institute of Music.

Jemes, Florence-instructor of nursing (1985). B.S.N., Central State University; M.S.N., West Texas A&M University.

Johnson, Christopher - instructor of history (2012). B.S., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Johnson, Sidnye-periodicals/special collections librarian (1996). B.A., West Texas A&M University; M.L.S., North Texas State University.


Kahler, Edward P.-associate dean of Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities; associate professor of music (1998). B.M., University of Georgia; M.A., Texas Woman’s University; Ph.D., University of Kansas.

Kazmaier, Richard-associate professor of biology (2001). B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., Texas Tech University.

Kelley, Gary D.-director of institutional research; professor of computer information systems (1983). B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Ph.D., Southern Methodist University.

Kelly, Robin—assistant professor of education (2011). B.A., M.A., Ed.S., Ph.D., University of South Florida.

Kennedy-Witthar, Shawna-Director of Information and Library Resources (1993). B.A., M.A., M.L.S., Indiana University.

Kerr, Daniel - instructor of history and English (2012). B.A., Texas Tech University; M.A., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., University of Kansas.

Khan, David-assistant professor of biochemistry (2009). B.A., Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University.

Kieth, Lance-associate professor of agriculture education (2002). B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., Texas Tech University.

Kilic, Turkan-associate professor of marketing (2006). B.Sc., M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University; M.B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson University; M.A., Ph.D., Old Dominion University.

Kinsky, Emily—assistant professor of communication (2011). B.A., Baylor University; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Klaehn, Daniel - instructor of English (2012). B.A., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Krause, Robert James-professor of music (1973). B.M., M.M., D.M.A., University of Miami; Stockwell College, Bromley, England; Student of Julien Balogh; Miami Philharmonic; National Music Camp, Interlochen, Mich.

Kreissl, Laura J.-assistant professor of accounting (2007). B.S., California Polytech State University; M.B.A., California State University; Ph.D., University of Mississippi.

Kuennen, Matthew-assistant professor of sports and exercise sciences (2010). B.A., M.A., University of Northern Iowa; Ph.D. University of New Mexico.

Kuhlman, Martin H.-professor of history (1995). B.S., B.A., M.A., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Kuhnert, Cloyce-associate professor of music (1992). B.M., M.M., West Texas A&M University; D.M.A., University of North Texas.

Kunz, Jenifer-head of Department of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work; professor of sociology (1993). B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Brigham Young University.


Landon, John H.-professor of theatre (1993). B.A., Hardin Simmons; M.F.A., Trinity University.

Landram Jr., Frank G.-associate professor of computer information systems (1965). B.B.A., M.S., University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Latman, Neal S.-associate professor of biology (2002). B.S., University of Oklahoma; M.S., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.

Lawler, Gregg - instructor of mathematics (2010). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Lawrence, Ty-associate professor of animal science (2004). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Kansas State University.

Lee, Rex-asssociate lecturer of biology (2006). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Lefevre, Donald J.-associate professor of music (1987). B.M.E., West Texas A&M University; M.M., University of Michigan.

Leitch, Kenneth-assistant professor of civil engineering (2009). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., New Mexico State University.

Lewis, Jeremy-assistant professor of music (2008). B.M., Texas Christian University; M.M., Indiana University; D.M.A., Texas Tech University.

Li, Hongcai-Don Williams Professor of Management; associate professor of management (2008). B.A., Shantou University; M.A., University of Northern Iowa; M.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., University of Arizona.

Linke, Rebecca-clinic coordinator; instructor of communication disorders (2008). B.S., M.S., University of Alabama.

Lockman, Julie-assistant professor of biology (2008). B.S., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Lockwood-Cooke, Pamela-professor of mathematics (1997). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Loftin, Collette-instructor of nursing (2007). B.S.N., M.S.N., West Texas A&M University.

Lopez, Emmanuel-Harrington lecturer of music (1991). B.M., University of Connecticut; M.M., Yale University.

Loya, Melody-associate professor of social work (2000). B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.S.W., University of Texas-Arlington; Ph.D., Capella University.

Lust, David-assistant professor of animal science (1992). B.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Michigan State University; Ph.D., West Texas A&M University.


MacDonald, Bonney-head of Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages; professor of English (2008). B.A., California State University-Sacramento; M.A., University of Nottingham; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University.

Mallard, Jessica-dean of Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities; director of William H. and Joyce Attebury Honors Program; professor of communication studies (2002). B.A., University of Central Oklahoma; M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University.

Manfredi, Guglielmo-assistant professor of music (2009). B.M., West Texas A&M University; M.M., D.M.A., University of Miami.

Matlack, Raymond S.-associate professor of biology (2002). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Kansas State University.

McKee, Connie-assistant lecturer of speech communication; director of forensics (2003). B.S., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Meador, Audrey - instructor of mathematics (2012). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Meador, Cindy-instructor of biology (2009). B.S.; M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Medlock, Anne-associate professor of theatre (2006). B.A., College of Wooster; M.F.A., Kent State University.

Meek, Leslie-associate professor of dance (2006). B.F.A., West Texas A&M University; M.F.A., University of Michigan.

Meerdink, Christopher - assistant professor of voice (2010). B.M., Houghton College, M.M., Bowling Green State University; D.M.A., University of Michigan.

Melton, Marcus-assistant professor of art/graphic design (2008). B.F.A., West Texas A&M University; M.F.A., University of Tennessee.

Meredith, Neil—assistant professor of economics (2011). B.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Georgia.

Mills, LaVelle-associate dean of graduate programs of College of Business; professor of management (1998). B.B.A., West Texas A&M University; M.B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of North Texas.

Monroe, Suzanne-professor of education (1997). B.S., M.S., University of Nebraska; Ph.D., University of Arizona.

Morales, Raimundo-assistant professor of music (2008). B.M., Texas A&M University-Kingsville; M.A., D.M.A., University of Texas.

Murty, Pilaka-associate professor of mechanical engineering (2003). LL.B., Delhi University; M.B.A. J&W University; M.S., Ph.D., Oakland University.


Nam, Choong-Ha-associate professor of music (2007). B.M., Oberlin College; M.M., Southern Methodist University; D.M.A., University of Houston.

Nelson, Dirk-dean of College of Nursing and Health Sciences; professor of sports and exercise sciences (2010). B.S., Montana State University; M.S.Ed., Ph.D, University of Kansas.

Nix, Susan J.-associate professor of education (2003). B.S., McMurry College; M.Ed., Ed.D., Texas Tech University.


O’Brien, J. Patrick-president/CEO of University, professor of economics (2006). B.S., M.S., Auburn University; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.

Oglesby, Matthew - instructor of voice (2008). B.M., University of Houston; M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Oliha, Hannah—assistant professor of communication (2011). B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A., Hamline University; Ph.D., University of New Mexico.

Osei-Hwere, Enyonam-assistant professor of mass communication (2008). B.A., University of Science and Technology; M.A., Ph.D., Ohio University.

Otter, Cynthia - instructor of social work (2010). B.S., Montana State University; M.S.W., University of Montana.

Ottoson, Carolyn-government documents librarian (2003). B.A., University of Oklahoma-Norman; M.L.S., Texas Woman’s University.

Owens, James K.-Don Hodges Professor of Corporate Governance; professor of finance (1978). B.B.A., M.B.A., West Texas A&M University; D.B.A., Harvard Business School.


Parr-Scanlin, Denise-associate professor of music (1998). B.M., M.F.A., University of Georgia; D.M.A., University of Texas.

Parker, David—professor/commercial core laboratory primary investigator (2012). B.S., New Mexico State University; M.S., University of Wyoming; Ph.D., University of Nebraska.

Pearson, Byron-head of Department of History; associate professor of history (2000). B.S., M.A., Northern Arizona University; J.D., University of San Diego; Ph.D., University of Arizona.

Pendleton, Bonnie-professor of agriculture (2000). B.A., California State University-Chico; M.A., California State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Phillips, Angela-assistant professor of nursing (2009). B.S.N., University of Texas-Arlington; M.S.N., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; D.N.P., University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston.

Phillips, Kimberli—instructor of social work (2011). B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.S.W., University of Texas at Arlington.

Pipkin, John L.-director of Equine Industry Program; professor of animal science (1993). B.S., M.S., Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Pjesky, Rex-associate dean of Graduate School; associate professor of economics(2007). B.A., Oklahoma State University; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma.

Pleming, Casey - instructor of English (2008). B.A., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Poduthase, Henry - assistant professor of social work (2012). B.A., St. Albert’s College, India; M.A., Sacred Heart College, India; M.S.W., Rajagiri College of Social Science, India; Ph.D., University of Utah.

Potter, Kathleen - instructor of nursing (2010). B.S.N., Oakland University; M.S.N., West Texas A&M University.

Price, Keith-associate professor of sociology and criminal justice (2003). B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Sam Houston State University.

Pullen, Sean - assistant professor of music (2012). B.M., M.M., University of Houston; D.M.A., Claremont Graduate University.

Pulliam, Darlene A.-James and Mogie McCray Professor of Business; professor of accounting (1997). B.S., M.B.A., Eastern New Mexico State University; Ph.D., University of North Texas.


Racherla, Pradeep-Gene Edwards Professor of Banking; assistant professor of marketing (2008). B.S., Osmania, India; M.B.A., Ssihl, India; Ph.D., Temple University.

Rausch, David-Teel Bivins Professor of Political Science; professor of political science (1998). B.A., University of Alaska-Fairbanks; M.A., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma.

Rausch, Mary-catalog librarian (2000). B.A., M.P.A., M.L.I.S., University of Oklahoma.

Ray, Randy-assistant lecturer of mass communication; director of broadcasting (2002). B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.S., Middle Tennessee State University.

Redpath, Keith L.-Harrington lecturer in music (2003). B.M., Eastman School of Music; M.M., Wichita State University; D.M.A., University of Minnesota.

Regan, Matthew—reference librarian (2012). B.A., University of Iowa; M.A., DePaul University; M.L.I.S., Dominican University.

Rennier, James A.-professor of music (2007). B.M., Indiana University; M.M., University of Texas; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Revett, Jonathan - instructor of art (2012). B.F.A., M.A., M.F.A., West Texas A&M University.

Reyes, Helen-head of Department of Nursing; assistant professor of nursing (1998). B.S.N., M.S.N., West Texas A&M University; Ed.D., Liberty University.

Reynolds, Andrew-assistant professor of Spanish/director of Spanish programs (2009). B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University.

Rhoades, Marty—assistant professor of environmental science (2011). B.S., M.S., Ph.D., West Texas A&M University.

Richeson, John—assistant professor of animal science (2011). B.S., Oklahoma State University; M.S., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., University of Arkansas.

Ricketson, Amanda - instructor of agriculture and Equestrian Team head coach (2007). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Rider, Gary-clinical assistant professor of business law (2007). B.S., J.D., Texas Tech University.

Riney, Mark-associate professor of education (2002). B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Arizona.

Robertson, Tanner - assistant professor of agriculture media and communication (2010). B.A., West Texas A&M University; M.S., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.

Rogers, Kathy-instructor of nursing (2000). B.S.N., M.S.N., St. Louis University.

Rogers, William J.-professor of environmental science (1997). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Roos, Bonnie-associate professor of English (2005). B.A., University of Santa Cruz; M.A., Ph.D., University of Oregon.

Rosa, Duane J.-professor of economics (1984). B.A., M.A., University of Oklahoma; B.S., M.A., University of Nevada; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Rose, Richard-assistant professor of education (2009). B.A., State University of New York; M.S., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Statue University of New York.


Scala, Mark-assistant professor of philosophy (2008). B.A., M.A., William Peterson College; Ph.D., Syracuse University.

Scales, Nicholas-assistant professor of music (2005). B.M., West Texas A&M University; M.M., University of North Texas; D.M.A., Texas Tech University.

Schultz, Gerald E.-professor of geology (1964). B.S., M.S., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Michigan.

Seth, Daniel-professor of mathematics (2006). B.S., Warren Wilson College; M.S., Western Kentucky University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Severn, Stephen-associate professor of English; director of Writing Programs (2005). B.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland.

Seward, Kim-instructor of mathematics (2008). B.M., M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Shaffer, Jonathan A.-T. Boone Pickens Professor of Management; assistant professor of management (2010). B.A., M.B.A., Oklahoma State University; Ph.D., University of Iowa.

Shaffer, Wade L.-interim provost; professor of history (1994). B.A., M.A., University of Texas-Arlington; Ph.D., College of William and Mary.

Shao, Bin-associate professor of decision management (2007). B.S., Shandong University; M.S., Chinese Academy of Science; Ph.D., University of Illinois.

Sissom, W. David-head of Department of Life, Earth and Environmental Science; professor of biology (1992). B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University.

Sollosy, Marc-instructor of management (2010). B.S., Bentley college; M.B.A., George Washington University.

Spaulding, Angela M.-dean of Graduate School and Research; professor of educational leadership (1995). B.S., M.Ed., West Texas A&M University; Ed.D., Texas Tech University.

Speer, Cara-instructor of social work (2007). B.S., Abilene Christian University; M.S.W., University of Texas at Arlington.

Starcher, Ken - instructor of engineering technology (2010). B.S., M.S., West Texas A&M University.

Stayton, Gonda-acquisitions librarian (1990). B.G.S., West Texas A&M University; M.L.S., Texas Woman’s University.

Stewart, B.A.-director of Institute for Dryland Agriculture; distinguished professor of agriculture (1993). B.S., M.S., Oklahoma State University; Ph.D., Colorado State University.

Storey, Douglas-associate professor of music (1988). B.M.E., University of Missouri-Kansas City; M.M., University of Michigan.

Strong, Lorna-head of Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences; instructor of sports and exercise sciences (2000). B.A., Rice University; M.S., University of Central Arkansas.

Stuart, Claudia-instructor of criminal justice and sociology (1996). B.S., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Stuntz, Jean A.-professor of history (2001). B.A., J.D., Baylor University; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Texas.


Takacs, William J.-associate professor of music (2002). B.M., West Chester University; M.M., Bowling Green University; D.M., Florida State University.

Tao, Shiquan-Ross W. Wison Chair in Chemistry; associate professor of chemistry (2007). B.S., M.S. China University of Geosciences; Ph.D., Hiroshima University.

Tariq, Susan Martin-professor of music (1984). B.S., Ball State University; M.M., Ohio State University; D.M.A., University of Arizona at Tucson.

Taylor, Heidi-associate professor of nursing (1990). B.S.N., West Texas A&M University; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University.

Terry, Anne Macy-Gene Edwards Professor of Finance; professor of finance (1998). B.A., University of South Dakota; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Terry, Neil-dean of College of Business; professor of economics (1997). B.A., California State University; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Teweleit, Russell-associate professor of music (1999). B.M., M.M., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma.

Thoman, Roy E.-professor of political science (1968). B.A., University of Evansville; M.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., University of Kentucky.

Thomas, Conn P.-Geneva Schaeffer Professor of Education and Social Sciences; professor of education (1993). B.A., Northwest Missouri State University; M.S., Georgia State University, Columbus College; Ph.D., University of Mississippi.

Todorov, Vesselin—Harrington lecturer of music (2011). B.M., Louisiana State University; M.A., Yale School of Music.

Topliff, Donald R.-dean of College of Agriculture Science and Engineering; professor of animal science (1998). B.S., M.S., Kansas State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Trela, Theresa-assistant lecturer of English (2001). B.A., M.A., West Texas A&M University.

Truitt, Edward-associate professor of dance (2003). B.F.A., University of Oregon; M.S., University of Nebraska.

Tyrer, Patricia-associate professor of English (2002). B.A., M.A., California State University-Fullerton; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.


Upshaw, Alice-instructor of accounting (2007). B.S., M.P.A., West Texas A&M University.


Vestal, Mallory - assistant professor of agriculture (2012). B.S., West Texas A&M University; M.S., Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.

Vick, Dwight-assistant professor of public administration (2007). B.B.A., Delta State University; M.P.A., University of Memphis; Ph.D., Arizona State University.

Vizzini, Bryan-associate professor of history (2001). B.A., University of Pittsburgh; M.A., University of Georgia; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Von Lintel, Amy-assistant professor of art history (2010). B.A., University of Kansas; M.A., Southern Methodist University; Ph.D., University of Southern California.

Vukovic, Jovana - assistant professor of psychology (2013). B.S., University of Toronto; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen.


Waight, Laura J.-instructor of nursing (1992). B.S.N., M.S.N., West Texas A&M University.

Walker, Ella J.-Dr. Jerry D. Miller Professor of Entrepreneurship; instructor of finance (1980). B.S., M.B.A., West Texas A&M University.

Wallace, Ann - instructor of communication disorders (2010). B.S., University of Texas; M.S., Texas Woman’s University.

Walls, Nicole-assistant professor of English (2009). B.A., University of California, San Diego; M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois.

Wang, Huabing (Barbara)-associate professor of finance (2007). B.A., China Institute of Finance and Banking; Ph.D., University of Alabama.

Ward, Rocky-assistant professor of biology (2008). B.A., Midwestern University; M.A., North Texas State University; Ph.D., University of North Texas.

Welch, Reed-head of Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice; associate professor of political science (2000). B.A., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Westermann, Lori-assistant lecturer of mass communication (2003). B.A., Mississippi College; M.A., Southwestern Seminary.

Whigham, Matthew - instructor of mechanical engineering (2012). B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University.

Williams, Gwendolyn-associate professor of education (2006). B.S., Jackson State University; M.S., Ph.D., Florida State University.

Williams, Judy-assistant professor of education (2009). B.S., M.Ed., West Texas A&M University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University.

Williams, Kevin-assistant professor of agricultural education (2009). B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Texas Tech University.

Wilson, Howard F.-associate professor of communication disorders (2002). B.S., M.S., Florida State University; Ph.D., Ohio University.

Woodyard, James D.-professor of chemistry (1967). B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Texas Christian University.

Presidents Emeriti

James P. Cornette, Ph.D.-1948-1972 (deceased)

Robert B. Cousins, LL.D.-1910-1918 (deceased)

Joseph A. Hill, LL.D.-1918-1948 (deceased)

Russell C. Long, Ph.D.-1995-2005

Ed D. Roach, Ph.D.-1984-1990

Gail Shannon, Ph.D.-1982-1984 (deceased)

Max Sherman, LL.D.-1977-1982

Barry B. Thompson, Ph.D.-1991-1994

Lloyd I. Watkins, Ph.D.-1972-1977

Professors Emeriti

Lloyd Green Allen-mathematics, 1910-1933 (deceased)

Dr. Hattie Anderson-history, 1921-1956 (deceased)

Dr. Horace Bailey-biology, 1972-1997 (deceased)

Don Baird-music, 1965-1979 (deceased)

Dr. Ima Barlow-history, 1930-1964 (deceased)

Georgia Barrow—nursing, 1974-1998

Dr. Enid Bates-education, 1970-1997

Royal L. Brantley-music, 1953-1987 (deceased)

Treasure Brasher - physics, 1980-2003

Pauline Brigham-music, 1917-1961 (deceased)

Dr. Houston Bright-music, 1940-1970 (deceased)

Dr. Derl L. Brooks-biology, 1965-1992

Mary Morgan Brown-public speaking, 1915-1938 (deceased)

Walker Hatcher Brown-education, 1945-1976 (deceased)

Dr. Robert C. Burton-biology and geosciences, 1959-1989 (deceased)

Dr. Wilma Jo Bush-education, 1957-1969

Dr. Robert Busteed-biology, 1949-1975 (deceased)

Dr. Wendell Cain-speech, 1950-1976 (deceased)

Dr. C.C. Callarman-business, 1956-1975 (deceased)

Dr. Thomas Cannon—psychology, 1969-1993

Dr. Thomas Paige Carruth-administration, 1959-1987

Dr. James Clark - agriculture, administration, 1992-2011

Wallace Reeves Clark-music, 1917-1951 (deceased)

Dr. Arden Colette - agricultural business & economics, 1983-2008

Kathleen Collins-English, 1961-1990 (deceased)

Dr. H.L. Cook-mathematics, 1955-1977 (deceased)

RuNell Coons-mass communications, 1977-2003 (deceased)

Dr. Joseph Cox—music, 1979-2008

Ruth Cross-physical education, 1929-1969 (deceased)

Mary E. Davidson—history, 1957-1984 (deceased)

Dr. James B. Davis Jr.-accounting, 1968-1998

Dr. Angie Debo-history, 1924-1935 (deceased)

Dr. Myron Dees-health and physical education, 1969-1994

Norma J. Dobson-nursing, 1977-2001

Dr. Charmazel Dudt - English, 1970-2006

Joseph L. Duflot-sociology, 1918-1953 (deceased)

Dr. Barry Duman - Economics, 1969-2009

Rowie V. Durden-music, 1959-1992

Dr. Allen Early Jr.-business, 1970-1984 (deceased)

Dr. George Eason-music, 1962-1986 (deceased)

Martha Estes-music therapy, 1973-1998 (deceased)

Dr. Louis Fairchild-psychology, 1969-2002

Dr. William J. Findley-education and psychology, 1947-1980 (deceased)

Mary Beth Ford-education, 1972-2001

Dr. Benjamin Ford Fronabarger Jr.-English, 1922-1924, 1932-1953 (deceased)

Dr. Gary Garner-music, 1963-2002

Dr. Mary M. Gaume-music, 1945-1976 (deceased)

Dr. Phil Gensler-computer information systems, 1965-1998

Dr. Mary Gill-Spanish, 1970-1997 (deceased)

Arthur Glover - accounting, 1969-1981

Edna Graham-mathematics, 1920-1952 (deceased)

Geraldine R. Green-English, 1928-1947 (deceased)

Dr. Jimmie L. Green-plant science, 1954-1976 (deceased)

Ferdinand Paul Guenther-French and German, 1910-1925 (deceased)

Dr. Ted Guffy - education, administration, 1990-2006

Dr. Duane F. Guy-history, 1958-1994 (deceased)

William F. Haggard-accounting, 1942-1969 (deceased)

Dr. Harry Haines-music, 1977-1997

Dale Hall-accounting, 1964-1995

Emerson Haraden-music, 1967-1977 (deceased)

Mabel Hare-English, 1956-1981 (deceased)

Dr. Ples Harper-modern languages, 1946-1974 (deceased)

Robert Frank Heflin-history, 1957-1985 (deceased)

Betty Henry-nursing, 1972-1996

Dr. Joseph A. Hill-history, 1910-1948 (deceased)

Dr. Ronald Hiner-accounting, 1984-2007

Mary Elizabeth Hudspeth-Spanish, 1910-1943 (deceased)

Jack T. Hughes-anthropology, 1952-1985 (deceased)

Richard Jackson-political science, 1966-1997

Dr. James R. Johnson-business, 1964-1983 (deceased)

Dr. Lee L. Johnson-business, 1937-1955 (deceased)

W. Mitchell Jones-education and psychology, 1926-1971 (deceased)

Dr. Walter H. Juniper-English, 1949-1974 (deceased)

Dr. Jim L. Kidd-education, 1969-1991

Dr. A. Kirk Knott-English, 1940-1973 (deceased)

Dr. Ruth Lowes-education, 1921-1972 (deceased)

Dr. Mattie Swayne Mack-English, 1922-1968 (deceased)

Tennessee Malone-library economy, 1910-1944 (deceased)

Dr. Ed Maloy - public administration 1999-2010

Dr. George Mann - education, 1993-2007

Dr. Zeke B. Marchant-business, 1958-1994 (deceased)

Fred Marsh-political science, 1969-2000

David Matthis-political science, 1955-1982 (deceased)

Dr. Cecil T. McBride-political science, 1957-1991

Thomas B. McCarter-mathematics and physics, 1918-1951 (deceased)

Mary R. McCulley-music, 1955-1989

Dr. Murray B. Measamer-geography, 1951-1967 (deceased)

Dr. Jerry Miller-finance, 1963, 1970-1998

Dr. Ted Montgomery-agriculture, 1975-2004

Helen W. Moore-English, 1930-1975 (deceased)

William A. Moore-speech and theatre, 1946-1977 (deceased)

Dr. Richard Moseley - English, 1970-2005

Dr. Darrell Munsell-history, 1965-1997

Clyde A. Murray-mathematics, 1926-1957(deceased)

Jack H. Muthersbough-geography, 1963-1992

Dr. Garry Nall-history, 1963-1966, 1968-2001

Dr. Norman Joseph Nelson - music, 1970-2006

Dr. Vaughn Nelson-physics, 1969-2001

Dr. Hubert W. Oppe-sociology and social work, 1963-1988

Dr. Sue Park-English, dean of Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities, 1966-2007

David N. Patterson-mathematics, 1965-1995 (deceased)

Dr. Peter Petersen-history, 1967-2000

Frank R. Phillips-agriculture, 1920-1952 (deceased)

Dr. Chester A. Pierle-chemistry, 1923-1954 (deceased)

Elsa R. Porter-music, 1956-1989 (deceased)

Dr. Ellis Benton Posey-education, 1967-1980 (deceased)

Stanley Potter - music, 1962-1996

Dr. Dale Pulliam-accounting, 1979-1997

Myrna Raffkind-psychology and sociology, 1984-1991

Dr. Kollengrade (Raju) Ramakrishnan-social work, 1978-2004

Dr. Frederick W. Rathjen-history, 1956-1990 (deceased)

J.W. Reid-chemistry, 1910-1922 (deceased)

Mary Moss Richardson-English, 1922-1945 (deceased)

Jennie C. Ritchie-English, 1910-1941 (deceased)

Dave Ritter-music, 1965-2001

George H. Ritter-political science, 1957-1981 (deceased)

Dr. James B. Roberts-education, 1949-1972 (deceased)

Isabel Robinson-art, 1926-1960 (deceased)

Dr. James L. Russell-education, 1946-1972 (deceased)

Dr. Robert Sawvell-geography, 1967-1996

Nancy Schnell-nursing, 1977-1999

William E. Semmelbeck-business, 1970-1987

Dr. Lester Fields Sheffy-history, 1918-1957 (deceased)

Dr. Walter Shelly-political science, 1963-2003

Dr. Douglas A. Shirley-physics, 1919-1949 (deceased)

Dr. Emmitt Smith-education, 1949-1974 (deceased)

Dr. Hollice H. Snyder-business, 1965-1983 (deceased)

Dr. Marian Z. SoRelle-speech, 1962-1977 (deceased)

Dr. Russell Sparling-English, 1970-2001

Dr. Robert E. Splawn-education, 1966-1989 (deceased)

Benjamin Alvis Stafford-Latin, 1910-1925 (deceased)

Dr. Winston Stahlecker-marketing, 1986-2000

Dr. J. Pat Stephens-political science, 1963-1998

Dr. W.M. (Fred) Stoker-education, 1958-1985 (deceased)

Allene Stovall - sports and exercise sciences, 1960-2000

Dr. Pat Sullivan-English (deceased), 1959-1991

R.A. Terrill-manual arts, 1911-1940 (deceased)

Dr. Ron Thomason-plant sciences, 1969-2006

Dr. Crannell Tolliver-speech, 1946-1972 (deceased)

Dr. Charles R. Townsend-history, 1967-1994

Leon Trekell-accounting, 1960-1964, 1967-2000 (deceased)

Dr. Ken Van Doren - mathematics, 1977-2006

Dr. Jack H. Walker-speech, 1948-1980 (deceased)

Dr. Joleen Walsh-nursing, 1974-1997

Dr. Kenneth W. Waugh-education, 1956-1984

Dr. Hellon Wilbur - education, 1968-2003

Dr. Donald L. Williams-agricultural business and economics, 1973-2007 (deceased)

Dr. Kenneth O. Wilson-animal science, 1963-1997

Dr. Leonard W. Wilson-plant science, 1966-1969, 1971-1994 (deceased)

Dave Wohlfarth - mass communication, 1991-2008

Clark E. Wooldridge-social work, 1978-1993 (deceased)

Guy Yates-speech communication, 1969-2000