Mar 31, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog (IN PROGRESS) 
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog (IN PROGRESS)

Common Course Numbering

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) was established to help facilitate the transferability of courses between participating institutions. A list of common course numbers, consisting of a four-letter abbreviation and a four-digit number, follows. Common course numbers also are included in departmental course listing.

WTAMU Course Number and Name TCCN Number
ACCT 2301 Introduction to Financial Accounting ACCT 2301
ACCT 2302 Introduction to Managerial Accounting ACCT 2302
AGRI 2317 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics AGRI 2317
ANSC 1319 Principles of Animal Science AGRI 1319
ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2351
ARTS 1303 Art History I ARTS 1303
ARTS 1304 Art History II ARTS 1304
ARTS 1311 Design I ARTS 1311
ARTS 1312 Design II ARTS 1312
ARTS 1316 Drawing I ARTS 1316
ARTS 1317 Drawing II ARTS 1317
ARTS 1319 Digital Photography COMM 1319
ARTS 2313 Graphic Design I ARTS 2313
ARTS 2316 Painting I ARTS 2316
ARTS 2323 Drawing III - Life ARTS 2323
ARTS 2326 Sculpture I ARTS 2326
ARTS 2333 Printmaking I ARTS 2333
ARTS 2341 Metalsmithing/Jewelry I ARTS 2341
ARTS 2346 Ceramics I ARTS 2346
ARTS 2366 Watermedia I ARTS 2366
BIOL 1406 Basic and Contemporary Biology I (lecture and lab) BIOL 1406
BIOL 1407 Basic and Contemporary Biology II (lecture and lab) BIOL 1407
BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture and lab) BIOL 1408
BIOL 1409 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (lecture and lab) BIOL 1409
BIOL 1411 Botany (lecture and lab) BIOL 1411
BIOL 1413 Zoology (lecture and lab BIOL 1413
BIOL 2401 Human Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 2401
BIOL 2402 Human Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2402
BIOL 2420 Applied Microbiology BIOL 2420
BUSI 1301 Survey of Business BUSI 1301
BUSI 1304 Business Communication BUSI 1304
CHEM 1405 General Chemistry I (lecture and lab) CHEM 1405
CHEM 1411 Chemistry I (lecture and lab) CHEM 1411
CHEM 1412 Chemistry II (lecture and lab) CHEM 1412
CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I (lecture and lab) CHEM 2423
CHEM 2425 Organic Chemistry II (lecture and lab) CHEM 2425
CHEM 2533 Elementary Organic Chemistry CHEM 1419
CHEM 3511 Analytical Chemistry CHEM 2401
CIDM 1301 Introduction to Information Science BCIS 1301
CIDM 1315 Programming Fundamentals COSC 1315
CIDM 2342 Statistics for Business and Economics MATH 2342
CIDM 2390 Systems Analysis and Design BCIS 2390
COMM 1315 Basic Speech Communication SPCH 1315
COMM 1318 Interpersonal Communication SPCH 1318
COMM 1321 Business and Professional Communication SPCH 1321
COMM 2335 Argumentation SPCH 2335
COMM 2341 Basic Performance of Literature SPCH 2341
CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRIJ 1301
CRIJ 1306 Court Systems and Practices CRIJ 1306
CRIJ 1307 Crime in America CRIJ 1307
CRIJ 1310 Introduction to Law CRIJ 1310
CRIJ 2328 Contemporary Policing CRIJ 2328
CS 2315 Object Oriented JAVA COSC 2315
CS 2325 Computer Organization and Assembly Language COSC 2325
DANC 1241 Basic Ballet DANC 1241
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2301
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2302
ENGL 1301 Introduction to Academic Writing and Argumentation ENGL 1301
ENGL 1302 Academic Writing and Research ENGL 1302
ENGL 2311 Introduction to Professional and Technical Communication ENGL 2311
ENGL 2321 British Literature ENGL 2321
ENGL 2326 American Literature ENGL 2326
ENGL 2331 World Literature ENGL 2331
ENGL 2341 Introduction to Literature ENGL 2341
ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics ENGR 1304
ENGR 2301 Statics ENGR 2301
ENGR 2302 Engineering Dynamics ENGR 2302
FIN 1307 Introduction to Personal Finance BUSI 1307
FREN 1411 Elementary French I FREN 1411
FREN 1412 Elementary French II FREN 1412
GEOG 1302 Cultural Geography GEOG 1302
GEOL 1401 Earth Science I GEOL 1401
GEOL 1402 Earth Science II GEOL 1402
GEOL 1403 Physical Geology (lecture and lab) GEOL 1403
GEOL 1404 Historical Geology (lecture and lab) GEOL 1404
GERM 1411 Elementary German I GERM 1411
GERM 1412 Elementary German II GERM 1412
HIST 1301 America, 1492-1877 HIST 1301
HIST 1302 America Since 1877 HIST 1302
HIST 2311 Western Civilization HIST 2311
HIST 2321 World History and Civilizations HIST 2321
HIST 2322 Comparative World History Since 1500 HIST 2322
HUMA 1315 Art, Dance, Music, Theatre Interaction HUMA 1315
MATH 1314 College Algebra MATH 1314
MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry MATH 1316
MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business and Economics I MATH 1324
MATH 1325 Mathematics for Business and Economics II MATH 1325
MATH 1332 Modern Mathematics I MATH 1332
MATH 1333 Modern Mathematics II MATH 1333
MATH 1350 Fundamentals of Math I MATH 1350
MATH 1351 Fundamentals of Math II MATH 1351
MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus Math MATH 2412
MATH 2413 Calculus I MATH 2413
MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414
MATH 3340 Calculus III MATH 2315
MATH 3342 Differential Equations I MATH 2320
MATH 3360 Statistical Methods MATH 2342
MCOM 1307 Introduction to Media Communication COMM 1307
MCOM 1318 Digital Photography ARTS 2357, COMM 1319
MCOM 1336 Basic Video Production COMM 1336
MCOM 2171 KWTS Practicum COMM 2120
MCOM 2303 Basic Audio Production COMM 2303
MCOM 2315 Writing for Media COMM 2310
MCOM 2327 Advertising Principles COMM 2327
MUSI 1160 Italian Diction for Singers MUSI 1160
MUSI 1161 Diction for Singers MUSI 1161
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I MUSI 1181
MUSI 1208 Literature I MUSI 1208
MUSI 1209 Literature II MUSI 1209
MUSI 1306 Introduction to Music in World Culture MUSI 1306
MUSI 1372 Theory I MUSI 1311
MUSI 1373 Theory II MUSI 1312
MUSI 2372 Theory III MUSI 2211
MUSI 2373 Theory IV MUSI 2212
MUEN 1026 Marching Band MUEN Major
MUEN 1027 Band MUEN Major
MUEN 1029 Orchestra MUEN Major
MUEN 1041 Chorale MUEN Major
MUEN 1042 Collegiate Choir MUEN Major
MUEN 2140 Chamber Music MUEN Major
MUEN 2160 Chamber Music MUEN Major
PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 1301
PHYS 1401 General Physics I (lecture and lab) PHYS 1401
PHYS 1402 General Physics II (lecture and lab) PHYS 1402
PHYS 2425 Calculus Physics I (lecture and lab) PHYS 2425
PHYS 2426 Calculus Physics II (lecture and lab) PHYS 2426
PSES 1301 Principals of Horticulture HORT 1301
PSES 1307 Principles of Plant Science AGRI 1307
POSC 2304 Introduction to Political Science GOVT 2304
POSC 2305 American National Government GOVT 2305
POSC 2306 American State and Local Government GOVT 2306
PSES 2313 Economic Entomology AGRI 2313
PSYC 2301 General Psychology PSYC 2301
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth and Development PSYC 2314
PSYC 2315 Human Behavior and Personal Adjustment PSYC 2315
SES 1301 Foundations of Sports and Exercise Science PHED 1301
SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1301
SOCI 1306 Social Problems SOCI 1306
SOCW 2361 Introduction to Social Work SOCW 2361
SPAN 1411 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 1411
SPAN 1412 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 1412
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 2311
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 2312
THRE 1120 Drama Workshop Practicum DRAM 1120
THRE 1310 Introduction to Theatre Arts DRAM 1310
THRE 1330 Stagecraft DRAM 1330
THRE 1341 Make-Up DRAM 1341
THRE 1351 Acting I: Basic Techniques DRAM 1351
THRE 1352 Acting II: Character Development DRAM 1352
THRE 2331 Stagecraft II DRAM 2331