Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions

Course Numbers

West Texas A&M University follows a four-digit numbering system, known as the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS). The four-digit numbers are identified below:

  • First digit identifies the level (1 = freshman, 2 = sophomore, 3 = junior, 4 = senior, 5 = stacked undergraduate/master’s, 6 = master’s, 7 = master’s/doctoral, 8 = doctoral);
  • Second digit identifies the credit-hour value; and
  • Third and fourth digits establish the course sequence or type of course (92 = special topics, 93 = honors, 94 = individual/directed studies, 95 = problems, 96 = readings, 97 = research, 98 = internship, 99 = practicum).

0001–0999 — developmental courses; do not count toward degree and are not reflected in the cumulative grade point average (GPA).

1000–2999 — primarily freshman and sophomore level.

3000–4999 — open to students who have completed at least 30 hours and any prerequisite.

5000–5999 — graduate level stacked with undergraduate level.

6000–7999 — graduate level.

8000–8999 — doctoral students only.

NOTE: Students who have taken and received credit for an undergraduate “stacked” course at WTAMU cannot take and receive credit for the corresponding graduate course.

Course Prefix

The course prefix indicates the assigned WTAMU course abbreviation and course number; e.g., ACCT 2301.

Course Abbreviation and Number in Brackets

A course abbreviation (prefix) and number in brackets indicates the corresponding common course number, established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, if the common course number and/or prefix is different from the WTAMU number; e.g., [GOVT 1310].

Field-of-Study Curriculum (FOSC)

Field-of-study curriculum is a set of courses that satisfy lower-division requirements for a bachelor’s degree in a specific academic area. All public four-year institutions of higher education are required to accept Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-approved field-of-study courses. Field-of-study curriculum is indicated with the abbreviation “FOSC” within the brackets indicating the common course number of a course; e.g., [MUSI 1181, 1182; FOSC].


The numbers indicate semester credit hours, lecture clock hours per week and lab clock hours per week; e.g., 3 3 0 indicates three semester credit hours, three clock hours of lecture per week and zero clock hours of lab per week.


Courses marked with (HAZ) may require the use of hazardous chemicals and/or equipment. To participate in these classes, an online “Student Laboratory Safety Training” is required and assigned through WTClass upon registration for the class. By registering for the class, the student agrees to:

  • Complete the assigned training by no later than 12th class day for fall/spring terms or 5th class day for summer terms; and
  • Acknowledge non-participation in activities if not completed by 18th class day for fall/spring terms or 10th class day for summer terms.



Political Science

(Offered through the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice.)
