Mar 31, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Support


Owned and operated by the University, the University Bookstore is located in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center. The bookstore stocks all texts and supplies required for class work, as well as personal and specialty items such as WTAMU clothing. For more information, access the website at

Buffalo Gold Car

Buffalo Gold Card is the ID card system at WTAMU. All students receive an ID card their first semester at the University. Buffalo Gold Card works in the following ways:

  • Photo identification.
  • Virgil Henson Activities Center (VHAC) access card.
  • Hastings Electronic Learning Center (HELC) access card.
  • Library card.
  • Copy card.
  • Meal card.
  • Access card to residence halls (currently Cross Hall, Jones Hall and Shirley Hall only).
  • Athletic privilege card-Each student receives one ticket to all athletic events (except playoffs).
  • Debit card for use on and off campus-BuffCASH.

For more information, access the website at

Child Care

Kids Kollege, located in Virgil Henson Activities Center, Room 116, is a state-licensed child-care facility that serves the University and surrounding communities year round. Children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years are eligible to register. Kids Kollege provides classrooms for ages 18 months to 2 years, 2 years, 3 years and 4 to 5 years. Scheduling options are flexible, and discounted rates are available for University students.

For more information regarding availability and registration, contact Kids Kollege at 806-651-2974 or

Commuter Programs

The purpose of commuter programs is to provide assistance to the unique needs of commuter students. Services and events include carpool programs, temporary emergency housing, and an off-campus housing program that introduces students to the community and contains information on leases, security deposits, expense estimates and more. Other programs, such as popcorn breaks, donut breaks and lunch-and-learning programs, are held multiple times during the semester, and allow commuter students to receive updates of future programs and services.

For more information, contact the Jack B. Kelley Student Center Information Desk at 806-651-2394.

Computer Labs

The Open Access Computer Lab, located in Hastings Electronic Learning Center, is available to all WTAMU students 24 hours per day, five days a week. Weekends and University holiday schedules are different; check with the computer lab for availability. A valid WTAMU ID is required to use the Open Access Lab. The lab contains IBM-compatible and Macintosh computers. Students are assigned a log-in ID and default password on their first visit to the lab. As they log in the first time, students must change their password and use the new password for each subsequent visit. Other services available to students include access to color scanners, color printers, copier and email.

Experiential Education and Internships

The Experiential Education Program, located in the Student Success Center of the Classroom Center, combines traditional on-campus academic work with practical on-the-job training or experience in a student’s major prior to graduation. Students who qualify for the program are placed in paid internship positions, when possible, which are either full- or part-time, that provide hands-on applications of classroom experiences. Academic credit may be available for some work experiences.

For more information, call 806-651-2345, email or access the website at

English as a Second Language International (ESLI) Language Center

The ESLI University Language Center, located in the Old Student Union Building (SUB), prepares students in intensive English training for entrance to the University. Students may enroll and begin study in ESLI courses at any time during fall or spring semesters or summer sessions. One I-20 for both intensive English and the University degree program of choice is issued. Students without a TOEFL score have a better chance of obtaining an F1 student visa, because the intensive English program and the degree program are continuous. Upon successful completion of the ESLI program, the student is admitted to the University and does not need a TOEFL score.

The ESLI program is intensive with 25 hours of instruction each week in reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary. ESLI techniques include cultural context students need by involving them in academic excursions, conversation partners, friendship families and recreational activities. ESLI has caring, empathetic directors and teachers who provide a friendly, professional and individualized learning environment. They also assist students in airport pick up, banking procedures and general orientation. All activities are part of the interactive immersion in the ESLI program. Prospective students should contact the International Student Office for more information and an application. Additional information is available online at english-as-a-second-language-international.aspx.

Judicial Affairs

Due process for students involved in judicial/disciplinary situations is provided through the Office of Judicial Affairs. Hearings are assigned to various hearing bodies, such as the Student Judicial Board, the University Judicial Officer and area coordinators. The Code of Student Life includes rules and procedures for students and is available on the website in the “University reports” link on the front page of the WTAMU webpage (  or hard copies are available in the Office of Student Affairs, located in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center, Room 102.

Labs-Writing and Math

To aid in academic success, labs are available in writing and mathematics. Each lab is operated by its academic department and staffed with graduate teaching assistants and upperclassmen who have excelled in their work. The labs are designed to assist students who are having difficulty with class assignments in any classes taught in the department. A combination of computer software, textbooks and one-on-one assistance is used to help students. Hours of operation vary each semester due to teaching and class schedules.

Labs and Locations

  • Writing Center-Department of English and Modern Languages, Student Success Center, Classroom Center.
  • Mathematics Lab-Department of Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering Technology, Classroom Center, Room 411.
  • Virtual Math

Leadership Programs

Leadership skills are essential to career success and are skills that will last long after the college experience. WTAMU offers various leadership programs to assist students in developing these critical skills. Students are invited to join Leadership Board, an organization devoted to promoting the value of leadership on campus. This goal is accomplished through numerous programs and retreats designed to encourage discussion and education about leadership principles. A leadership retreat is planned for each fall and spring semester, with the spring retreat usually consisting of a snow-skiing trip.

For more information, call 806-651-2313 or see the website at

Medical Services

Students are covered for general primary outpatient medical care at the Office of Medical Services, located in Virgil Henson Activities Center, Suite 104. Medical Services is staffed with a board-certified family physician, two nurse practitioners, two registered nurses and a registered X-ray technician. The clinic is open Monday through Friday; appointments are required. There are minimal charges for lab, X-ray, pharmacy and minor procedures; however, there is no charge for office visits. Emergency care is available 24 hours a day to students at the student’s expense through Family Medicine Center of Canyon.

Student health insurance is available for students at a moderate cost. Information is available through the Office of Medical Services. For more information, access the website at


Any car parked on campus must have a parking permit or risk being ticketed. Parking is enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Permits are good for an entire academic year ending in August. The Office of Parking Services is located in the Old Student Union Building (SUB) on the west side of the WTAMU campus on 23rd Street.


The University Police Department (UPD) is a full-service police department dedicated to serving the needs of the University community. Highly trained police officers investigate all offenses occurring on University property and have jurisdiction throughout Potter and Randall counties. UPD officers are available to assist with any problem 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students, faculty and staff members are required to register their vehicles and obtain a parking permit at which time they will be furnished a copy of the University’s traffic rules. The Uniform Traffic Act is strictly enforced at WTAMU and blatant moving violations will be issued state citations and handled by courts.

UPD may be contacted 24 hours a day at 806-651-2300.

Post Office

The WTAMU Post Office is located in the area between the Jack B. Kelley Student Center Food Court and the University Bookstore. It is a full-service post office.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center is a one-stop, student-centered support community located on the first floor of the Classroom Center, just down the hall from the University Bookstore. Services provided in the Student Success Center include:

  • Advising Services, Room CC 110.
  • Career Services, CC Room 113.
  • Educational Services (including tutoring, testing and supplemental instruction), CC Room 106.
  • Financial Aid.
  • First-Year Experience Programs, including New Student Orientation and WT Readership.
  • Learning Communities.
  • Student Services, CC Room 106.
  • Nationally Competitive Scholarships, CC Room 115.
  • Student Employment Services.
  • Student Counseling Services, CC Room 116.
  • Student Disability Services, CC Room 106.
  • Study Abroad, CC Room 115.
  • Transfer Center, CC Room 112.
  • Writing Center, CC Room 107.

For more information, call 806-651-2373 or come by the “Hub” (front counter of the Student Success Center).

Career Services

The Office of Career Services, located in the Student Success Center of the Classroom Center, provides guidance to undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni who seek help in formulating and implementing career plans. Students deciding on a major or needing to know what careers are available for particular majors are encouraged to visit Career Services.

Career Services offers graduate job-search assistance, workshops on résumé development, interviewing and job-search strategies, mock interviews, on-campus interviewing, job fairs and job announcements.

For more information, contact the Office of Career Services at 806-651-2345, or

Student Disability Services

Students with documented special needs or disabilities should contact the Office of Student Disability Services for assistance. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis. Accommodations provided may include:

  • Books read to tape.
  • Sign-language interpreters.
  • Distraction-reduced location for tests.
  • Extended time on tests.
  • Reading of tests.
  • Arrangement for appropriate desks and chairs.

For more information, contact the Office of Student Disability Services, located in the Student Success Center of the Classroom Center Room 106, at 806-651-2335 or

Student Counseling Services

Student Counseling Services, located in the Student Success Center of the Classroom Center, is staffed with licensed mental-health professionals who are available for appointments and crisis intervention. Any student who is experiencing academic or emotional difficulties, such as test anxiety, grief or any other mental health issue, is eligible for 10 free sessions per year. We offer career, individual, couples and group counseling.

For more information, contact Student Counseling Services at 806-651-2340 or access the website at

Student Employment Services

The Office of Student Employment Services, located in the Student Success Center of the Classroom Center, is designed to assist students with finding part-time jobs. Student Employment Services provides electronic listings of available jobs, both on and off campus, as well as volunteer opportunities.

For more information or inquires, contact the Office of Student Employment Services at 806-651-2397, or

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program designed to increase student grades through the use of group study techniques. SI is offered primarily with history, political science, accounting, Spanish, biology and chemistry core classes. Attendance at SI sessions is open to all students in the class but is strictly voluntary.

SI leaders are students who have previously, and successfully, taken the same course under the same professor. These student leaders go through intensive training, attend the course again with the student, take notes, meet regularly with the professor, read the assigned material, and then meet with the student and the student’s classmates who are interested in SI. Meeting times are scheduled at least three times a week at times convenient to the majority of students involved. Past experience suggests that regular attendance in SI sessions greatly reduces out-of-class study time, improves study techniques and may increase the final grade from 0.5 to one full grade point.

For more information, contact the Office of Educational Services, located in the Student Success Center of the Classroom Center, at 806-651-2341 or


Tutoring is available free of charge through the Office of Educational Services and the Office of Student Support Services. Tutors are generally juniors, seniors or graduate students who have demonstrated exceptional knowledge in their subject area. Tutoring is available primarily in core curriculum courses. Placement with a tutor is not guaranteed, as placement is dependent upon tutor availability.

To apply for tutoring, contact one of the following offices:

  • Educational Services-located in the Student Success Center, Classroom Center, 806-651-2341,

Testing Services

Testing Services is responsible for coordination and administration of standardized tests. Registration materials for many standardized tests are available in the Office of Educational Services. Tests include ACCUPLACER, ACT, CLEP, DANTES, GRE, LSAT, THEA, Residual ACT, Practice TeXES, TeXES and TOEFL. The Residual ACT is offered at the beginning of each semester to serve students who have not taken the examination or need to improve previous scores for admission purposes. Correspondence examinations are administered through the department for WTAMU students and students needing to take correspondence examinations from other universities.

For more information, contact the Office of Educational Services, located in the Student Success Center of the Classroom Center, at 806-651-2341 or