Mar 29, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition/Fee Exemptions and Waivers and Other

Financial Restrictions/Holds  

Emergency Loans

Texas Guaranteed Tuition Promise Fund (formerly known as Texas Tomorrow Fund)  
Hope Tax Credit  
Graduate Assistantships  
Veterans’ Exemptions  
Tuition/Fee Exemptions and Waivers  
Tuition Rebate  
Vocational Rehabilitation  



Financial Restrictions/Holds

A restriction/hold will be placed on a student’s academic record if the student has an outstanding account balance that is past due to the University beginning in the fall and spring semesters when a student that has set up a payment plan and does not have at least 75% of their total charges paid (showing any amount as overdue). Holds are also placed on accounts that are not paid in full by the final payment deadline for each semester. Holds are also placed on fall and spring semester accounts that are not paid in full by the first payment deadline, and have not been set up on a payment plan by the student. A financial hold will prevent the student from receiving or accessing academic records, transcripts or diplomas, and will not allow future registrations. When the student pays the account in full, or sets up the requirement payment plan, financial holds will be removed. Unpaid balances will be subject to being reported to the State of Texas for Austin Holds, and will be turned over to collections with an additional collection fee, which will be reported negatively on the student’s credit report.

Emergency Loans

If payment cannot be made by the published first payment deadline for fall and spring, and the only payment deadline for intersession and summer sessions, students can apply for an emergency loan for tuition and fees through Buff Advisor if they have no account holds, and a social security number on file with the Office of the Registrar. Loans are available beginning ten days before the payment deadline and close at 4 p.m. on the census date for the semester. In addition, students have access to our loan program for books up to $600.

Students may only have one load of each type out at a time. Loans are short term loans, designed to assist a student while they continue to work on getting federal aid and scholarships disbursed, or personal payments in place. Loans are due within 90 days of disbursement for fall and spring semesters, and 45 days of disbursement for intersession and summer sessions. Other arrangements will have to be made for charges such as room/board and some fees.

Texas Guaranteed Tuition Promise Fund, formerly known as Texas Tomorrow Fund

A student who is a beneficiary of the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Promise Fund should notify the Accounting and Business Office by presenting his/her identification card for the first semester they are enrolled at West Texas A&M University. After the 12th class day, the University will bill the fund for tuition and required fees covered by the contract. The fund does not pay for graduate tuitions, lab fees, room/board, books, course fees or any other non-mandatory fees. Students are encouraged to check the balance of their remaining benefits each semester. Students must also notify the Accounting and Business Office each semester if they choose to use their Texas Guaranteed Tuition Promise Fund. Students may call, email or come to the office to make their request, and should do so at least two weeks before the payment deadline. Texas Guaranteed Tuition Promise Fund will send a 1099-Q tax form in January of each year reporting the total amounts paid for the previous year. TGTP payments are not reported on the 1098-T by West Texas A&M University.

Texas Tuition Promise Fund

A student who is a beneficiary of the Texas Tuition Promise Fund must first have their account guardian approve units for each semester specifically. The dollar amount for each unit will vary depending on the purchased unit type; one unit is not equivalent to one billed hour of enrollment at West Texas A&M University. Once units are approved, a screen shot of the approved units must be mailed to the Accounting and Business Office with the student’s name and ID number in the email. Students are encouraged to check the balance of their remaining benefits each semester. Students must also notify the Accounting and Business Office each semester if they choose to use their Texas Tuition Promise Fund, and should do do at least two weeks before the payment deadline. Texas Tuition Promise Fund will send a 1099-Q tax form in January of each year reporting the total amounts paid for the previous year. TTPF payments are not reported on the 1098-T by West Texas A&M University.

Hope Tax Credit

The Hope Tax Credit can be claimed for the qualified tuition and related fees (does not include books, supplies, room or board) of each eligible student in the taxpayer’s family who is enrolled at least half time in one of the first two years of post-secondary education in a program leading to a degree or certificate. The amount that may be claimed as a credit is generally equal to 100 percent of the first $1,000 of tuition and eligible fees and 50 percent on the second $1,000, for a total maximum benefit per student of $1,500. The credit is deducted directly from the amount of federal income tax owed.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate teaching assistantships are available to students pursuing graduate degrees. Interested students should contact the head of the department in which they plan to pursue the graduate degree.

 Veterans’ Exemptions

Exemptions are offered for some veterans under the Hazlewood Act. To be eligible, a veteran must demonstrate that he or she:

  • At the time he or she entered the service,
    • Resided in Texas as indicated by his/her place of entry on a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD214); or
    • Was a resident of Texas, as determined in accordance with state law in Determining Residency Status for Tuition Purposes.
  • Is classified as a current resident by West Texas A&M University for the term or semester for which the veteran applies for Hazlewood Act Exemption.
  • Has an honorable discharge from service, general discharge from service under honorable conditions or an honorable separation from service.
  • Has served at least 181 days of active duty beyond basic training.
  • Is not in default on an education loan made or guaranteed by the federal government or by the state of Texas.
  • Has attempted fewer than 150 credit hours using the Hazlewood Act Exemption beginning with fall 1995.


To obtain Hazlewood benefits, a qualified veteran must:

  • File a copy of his or her DD214 (discharge document) with the registrar.
  • Sign a Hazlewood affidavit by 12th class day.
  • Obtain a letter from the Veteran’s Affairs Office in Muskogee, OK, stating status of federal benefits.
  • Provide documentation of Texas residency at the time the veteran entered the service.


Tuition/Fee Exemptions and Waivers

AFDC/TANF - Exemption from payment of tuition/fees for one year; must start using exemption within one year of high school graduation.

Adopted (Exemption, TEC 54.367). Adopted students formerly in foster care exempt from payment of tuition/fees. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014).

Blind/Deaf (Exemption, TEC 54.364). Exemption from payment of tuition and all fees. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014).

Border County (Waiver, TEC 54.231(g). Waiver of non-resident tuition. Students on this waiver must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Border State (Waiver, TEC 54.231(a). Reduction of non-resident tuition. Students on this waiver must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Children of Disabled Firemen/Peace Officers (Exemption, TEC 54.351).  Exemption from payment of tuition/fees other than room/meals and property deposit. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC. 54.014).

Combat Exemption (Exemption, TEC 54.2031). Exemption from payment of tuition for dependent child/stepchild who is entitled to pay resident tuition and whose parent is deployed on active duty in a combative military operation outside the United States. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014).

Competitive Scholarship (Waiver, TEC 54.213). Waiver of non-resident tuition for certain students receiving competitive scholarship of at least $1,000. There is a limit on the percentage of students who may be provided this waiver.

Early High School Graduate. Reimbursed from Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for payment of tuition only.

Faculty/Dependent (Waiver, TEC 54.211). Waiver of non-resident tuition.

Firefighters Enrolled in Fire Science (Exemption, TEC 54.353). Texas residents employed as firefighters or active members of an organized volunteer fire department may be exempt from payment of tuition and lab fees if enrolled in a fire-science curriculum (emergency management). Students on this waiver must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014). Contact the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice at 806-651-3310.

Foster Care (Exemption, TEC 54.366). Exemption from payment of tuition/fees.

Good Neighbor (Waiver, TEC  54.331). Exemption from payment of tuition by students from other nations of the Western Hemisphere (other than Cuba). Students on this waiver must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Contact the International Student Office at 806-651-2073.

Hazlewood Act (Exemption, TEC 54.341). Exemption from payment of tuition/fees except student service fee and room/meals. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014). For information, contact Veteran’s Services at 806-651-4936.

Hazlewood Legacy Program (Exemption, TEC 54.341).  Veterans who are eligible for the Hazlewood Act may assign unused Hazlewood hours to a child under certain conditions. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014). For information, contact Veteran’s Services at 806-651-4936.

Mexico, Citizens of, in Border Counties (Waiver, TEC 54.231(b)). Waiver of non-resident tuition.

Military Personnel and Dependents (Waiver, TEC 54.241). Waiver of non-resident tuition.

Out-of-State Special Tuition (Waiver, TEC 54.0601). Reduction of non-resident tuition for residents of other states of the United States. Students from U.S. territories are not eligible for this waiver. Students on this waiver must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Peace Officers Enrolled in Criminal Justice (Exemption, TEC 54.353). Texas residents employed as peace officers in Texas may be exempt from payment of tuition and lab fees for specified courses if enrolled in a criminal justice program. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014). Contact the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice at 806-651-3310.

Professional Nursing Program Faculty Dependents (Exemption, TEC 54.355). Exemption from payment of tuition for Texas residents who are dependents of professional nursing faculty at a Texas higher education institution. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014).

Senior Citizens/Golden Ager (Exemption, TEC 54.365(c)). Exemption from payment of tuition only, up to six hours; must be 65 or older. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014).

Teaching Assistant/Graduate Assistant (Waiver, TEC 54.212). Waiver of non-resident tuition.

Thesis Only Exemption (Exemption, TEC 54.051(e)). Graduate students in their final semester who are enrolled in only the Thesis course for their program may request an exemption of certain fees. Call the Office of the Registrar at 806-651-4911.

Valedictorian (Exemption, TEC 54.301). Exemption from payment of tuition only during the first two regular semesters following graduation from an accredited Texas high school. Students on this exemption must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and not meet the excess hour limit (TEC 54.014).

For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at (806)651-2020 (unless another point of contact is identified with the specific exemption/waiver).

Tuition Rebate

State of Texas students may be eligible for a tuition rebate if they meet eligibility requirements set forth by The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Students must fill out and submit their tuition rebate packet when they apply for graduation. The packet can take up to three months to be processed due to the procedures of the tuition rebate process. Students that are eligible for a rebate but have outstanding federal loan debt will be notified that their rebate was sent to their loan servicer to help pay down their loan debt. For more information, please see the Office of the Registrar policy page.

Vocational Rehabilitation

The Texas Rehabilitation Commission offers payment of tuition and other services to students who have qualifying physical or emotional handicaps. The vocational rehabilitation counselor must approve the student’s major field of study and any additional services needed in advance. Information about this program is available through the Texas Rehabilitation Commission, 5809 S. Western Street, Amarillo, Texas 79110 or call (806)353-7491.