Sep 26, 2024  
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbers

In fall 2004, West Texas A&M University changed from a three-digit numbering scheme to a four-digit numbering system, known as the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS). The four-digit numbers are identified as:

  • First digit identifies the level (1 = freshman, 2 = sophomore, 3 = junior, 4 = senior, 5 = stacked undergraduate/masters, 6 = masters, 7 = masters/doctoral, 8 = doctoral);
  • Second digit identifies the credit-hour value; and
  • Third and fourth digits establish the course sequence or type of course.

0001–0999—developmental courses, do not count toward degree.

1000–2999—primarily freshman and sophomore courses.

3000–4999—open to students who have completed at least 30 hours and any prerequisite.

5000–5999—graduate level stacked with undergraduate.

6000–6999—master’s level.

7000–7999—master’s/doctoral level.

8000–8999—doctoral students only.

NOTE: Students who have taken undergraduate “stacked” courses at WTAMU that have a graduate component cannot take the graduate course if they have already received credit for the corresponding undergraduate course.

Course Prefix

The course prefix indicates the assigned WTAMU course abbreviation and course number; e.g., ACCT 2301.

Course Abbreviation and Number in Brackets

A course abbreviation (prefix) and number in brackets indicates the corresponding common course number, established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, if the common course number and/or prefix is different from the WTAMU number; e.g., [GOVT 1310].

Field-of-Study Curriculum (FOSC)

Field-of-study curriculum is a set of courses that satisfy lower-division requirements for a bachelor’s degree in a specific academic area. All public four-year institutions of higher education are required to accept Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-approved field-of-study courses. Field-of-study curriculum is indicated with the abbreviation “FOSC” within the brackets indicating the common course number of a course; e.g., [MUSI 1181, 1182; FOSC].


The numbers indicate semester credit hours, lecture clock hours per week and lab clock hours per week; e.g., 3 3 0 indicates three semester credit hours, three clock hours of lecture per week and zero clock hours of lab per week.


Other Courses

  • COMM 6325 - Trends in Mass Communication

    3 3 0
    Exploration and analysis of the growth and changes in the field of mass communication. Also includes methods for researching and assessing mass communication phenomena in scholarly and applied settings. The course is intended to provide students with a working knowledge of new technologies, audience research, and trends in mass communication.


  • ACCT 5311 - Federal Tax Accounting II

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3311. Income-tax reporting requirements with respect to property transactions and corporations. Analysis and research of tax questions.
  • ACCT 5331 - Taxation of Business Entities

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3311. Taxation of partnerships, S Corporations, trusts and estates, and federal estate and gift taxes. Analysis and research of tax questions.
  • ACCT 5332 - Advanced Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3332 or concurrent enrollment. Principles and techniques of consolidated statements; foreign exchange; governmental; actuarial science.
  • ACCT 5334 - Fundamentals of Petroleum Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3331. Generally accepted accounting practices in petroleum accounting, including successful efforts, full cost, tax, joint interest, conveyances, international aspects.
  • ACCT 5351 - Auditing

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3332 or concurrent enrollment. Ethics and standards, internal control, and auditing techniques and objectives. Course fee $10.
  • ACCT 5361 - Advanced Accounting Theory

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCCT 3331 and ACCT 3332. Development of accounting theory; AICPA research bulletins and opinions; pronouncements of other authoritative bodies.
  • ACCT 5372 - Advanced Cost Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3371. Advanced cost and managerial topics relating to planning, control and decision making, including flexible budgeting, variable costing, differential cost analysis, decision making with uncertainty, profitability analysis and cost accumulation, analysis relating to activity-based costing and just-in-time systems.
  • ACCT 5391 - Governmental and Non-profit Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2302. Fund and government-wide accounting and reporting for local governments; accounting and reporting for health care providers, college and universities, and voluntary health and welfare organizations.
  • ACCT 6092 - Special Topics

    1-3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of accounting. Topics of special graduate interest. May be repeated for credit when topics change. Course fee $10.
  • ACCT 6096 - Reading and Conference

    1-3 0-3 0
    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head. Directed reading and reporting accounting related to student’s sphere of concentration.
  • ACCT 6300 - Financial Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): graduate standing. Structure of accounting, income determination, asset valuation, liability recognition, accounting for ownership equity, and interpretation and analysis of financial statements.
  • ACCT 6301 - Thesis

    3 0 0
  • ACCT 6302 - Thesis

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s):  .
  • ACCT 6305 - Accounting for Decision Making

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6300  or 12 hours upper-division courses in accounting and/or business administration. Preparation and use of budget with respect to measuring performance of the firm; responsibility accounting; relevant costs; cost-volume-profit relationships; contribution approach to cost allocation. Students should not take this course if they have had ACCT 4372, ACCT 5372  or equivalent.
  • ACCT 6306 - Seminar in Accounting Theory

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): 18 semester hours of accounting. Financial accounting theory; current pronouncements and theory; assigned readings of selected literature; oral and written reports.
  • ACCT 6307 - Seminar in Accounting Systems

    Cross-listed with CIDM 6307 .
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): 18 semester hours of accounting, including ACCT 3375. Analysis of design and installation of professional and private accounting systems from the standpoint of consultants. Emphasis on survey techniques, budgets, internal control, procedures, manuals, operating controls and reporting objectives.
  • ACCT 6308 - Seminar in SEC Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): 18 semester hours of accounting. Accounting and auditing practice and procedures before the Securities Exchange Commission, standards of professional conduct, problems encountered in public practice and current auditing pronouncements.
  • ACCT 6309 - Seminar in Tax Research

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3311. Researching problems of all areas of federal taxation.
  • ACCT 6310 - Seminar in Auditing

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4351/ACCT 5351  and 15 semester hours of accounting. Comprehensive analysis of theory and practice of independent auditing with emphasis on real-world applications and current topics.
  • ACCT 6320 - Seminar in Professional Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): 24 completed or concurrent accounting hours and consent of instructor. Development and refinement of knowledge of auditing and attestation, financial accounting and reporting, taxation, ethics, professional responsibilities, business law, and the business environment and concepts to assist students in preparing for the CPA exam.
  • ACCT 6321 - Ethical Solutions in Professional Accounting

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4351 and 18 semester hours of accounting. Theory and practice of effective ethical decision-making approaches, using models from accounting situations. Students practice what they learn with a variety of in-class activities, written assignments and oral presentations where they will discuss contemporary ethical issues facing the accounting profession. Teamwork and use of interpersonal skills are included.
  • ACCT 6398 - Internship in Accounting

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): graduate standing, approval of department head. On-the-job experience in a phase of the accounting profession. Must be first-time experience on a full-time basis.

Agricultural Business and Economics

  • AGBE 5301 - Advanced Farm and Ranch Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): graduate standing. Acquisition and use of land, capital and other production inputs under risks and uncertainty. Utilization of the computer in management of farms, ranches and agribusiness firms.
  • AGBE 5306 - International Agricultural Trade and Markets

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 3302 or MKT 3340. Study of agricultural trade with emphasis on international trade theory, exchange rates and their determination, relationships between domestic agricultural policies and trade policies, and analysis of institutional arrangements for world trade and marketing in agricultural products. Spring
  • AGBE 5310 - Agricultural and Public Policy

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 2317 or six semester hours of economics. Development and implementation of public policy in agriculture; implications of international competition and trade; and development and interpretation of argument in policy development.
  • AGBE 5312 - Advanced Agricultural Marketing Analysis

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 2317, AGBE 3302 or six semester hours of approved economics. Analysis of statistical models essential in decision-making processes associated with marketing of agricultural products; individual commodity problems.
  • AGBE 5313 - Advanced Agricultural Finance

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 2317. Characteristics of agriculture in relation to financing costs, risks and returns; organization and practices of agricultural credit institutions.
  • AGBE 5328 - Futures and Options

    Same as FIN 5328 .
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 231, AGBE 3302 or consent of instructor. Theory and practical trading applications for agricultural, financial, and petroleum futures and options markets. Course fee $15.
  • AGBE 5355 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

    Same as ECON 5355 .
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 2317. Economic issues involved in development and maintenance of the environment; problems of resource allocation, social cost, pollution and policy issues. Competing uses for natural resources, including agricultural, industrial, domestic and municipal, will be evaluated along with current environmental issues.
  • AGBE 6095 - Problems and Research

    1-6 0 0
    Investigation of current economic problems facing segments of the agricultural industry. May be repeated for credit.
  • AGBE 6098 - Advanced Management Internship

    2-6 0 0
    Supervised work and management training in a selected agribusiness, farm or ranch. A detailed business analysis will be made and written report prepared.
  • AGBE 6394 - Directed Studies in Agricultural Business and Economics

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. Readings and directed individual studies in various topic areas that specifically relate to the graduate student’s interests and needs. May be repeated with approval of the department head.
  • AGBE 7092 - Special Topics

    1-6 0-6 0-12
    Recent advances and current topics in agricultural business and economics. May be repeated once for credit. Course fee $10.
  • AGBE 7301 - Organization, Operation and Management of Agribusiness

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): doctoral student or approval of instructor. Structure, operation and management of the agribusiness firm. Integration of personnel management, finance, asset management, and operational structure into the planning, production and marketing of the firm’s products.
  • AGBE 7302 - Policy, Trade and the Agribusiness Firm

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): doctoral student or approval of instructor. Effect of monetary and fiscal policy on the growth and operation of the agribusiness firm.
  • AGBE 7304 - Advanced Management Techniques

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3301 or consent of instructor. Economic principles and techniques applied to decision-making processes required in management of farms, ranches and agricultural management, marketing, financing and policy.
  • AGBE 7305 - Agricultural Production Economics

    3 3 0
    Resource allocation, production selection, scale of operation of agricultural firms, including risk and uncertainty associated with agricultural production.
  • AGBE 7313 - Financial Analysis and Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 4313 or AGBE 5313 , or consent of instructor. Application of finance and credit to agricultural business situations. Decision-making techniques related to alternative uses of limited capital in agriculturally related business.
  • AGBE 7320 - Econometrics

    Same as  
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): Nine hours of graduate courses in agricultural economics, economics or statistics. Introduction to econometric analysis. Application of econometric analysis techniques to problems in agriculture and business. Includes multivariate distributions, maximum likelihood, simultaneous equations systems, nonlinear regression and nonlinear optimization. Course fee $15.
  • AGBE 7330 - Agricultural Risk Management

    3 3 0
    Current issues and solutions to associated risks present in production agriculture. Market, production, financial, legal and environmental risk.
  • AGBE 7365 - Management of Agricultural Business Firms

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGBE 4365 or consent of instructor. Strategic planning, organization, marketing and analysis of agribusiness firms, including logistics, sales and human resource management. Summer II.
  • AGBE 8095 - Directed Studies in Agricultural Business and Economics

    1-6 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): approval of instructor. Readings and directed individual studies in various topic areas that specifically relate to the graduate student’s needs and interests. May be repeated for up to six hours credit. Allowed for elective credit only.


  • AGRI 5304 - Trnasfer of Agricultural Technology

    Stacked with AGRI 4304.
    3 3 0
    Examines the processes by which professional agriculturalists and communicators influence the introduction, adoption and diffusion of agricultural technology. Spring.
  • AGRI 5310 - Global Agriculture and the Environment

    Same as ENVR 5310 .
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): PSES 3411 or BIOL 3418 or consent of instructor. Discussion of agriculture systems and practices in relation to how they affect environmental quality from local to global scales. Fall.
  • AGRI 5311 - Writing for Scientific Publication

    Stacked with AGRI 4311.
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing. Explores writing formats and styles associated with scientific publications while addressing trending topics in various agricultural issues. Students will learn formal writing techniques as well as explore ways to synthesize science information into formats the general public can understand. Spring.
  • AGRI 5311 - Writing for Scientific Publication

    3 3 0
    Explores writing formats and styles associated with scientific publications while addressing trending topics in various agricultural issues. Students will learn formal writing techniques as well as explore ways to synthesize science information into formats the general public can understand. Spring.
  • AGRI 5320 - Agrosecurity and Agricultural Disaster Preparedness

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): approval from Department of Agricultural Sciences. Prepare students to evaluate vulnerabilities in agricultural operations and to modify or create plans to reduce risk of security breach. Introduction to the National Incident Management System. Students will evaluate and develop primary response plans and provide persuasive justification for adoption. Guest lecturers will complement course lectures and student exercises.
  • AGRI 6097 - Research

    1-6 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Investigation of current interest. May be repeated for a total of 6 hours of credit. Fall
  • AGRI 6111 - Seminar

    1 1 0
    Review and analysis of current professional literature. Preparation of written literature review, oral presentations and discussions. May be repeated for up to three credit hours.
  • AGRI 6301 - Thesis

    3 0 0
  • AGRI 6302 - Thesis

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s):  .
  • AGRI 6316 - Agricultural Statistical Analysis I

    3 3 0
    Sampling techniques, univariate analysis, analysis of variance and other basic statistical methods. Emphasis on application and interpretation.
  • AGRI 7092 - Special Projects

    1-6 0-6 0-12
    Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor. Recent advances and current topics in agriculture. Repeatable for up to six credit hours.
  • AGRI 7101 - Doctoral Leadership

    1 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): doctoral student or consent of instructor. Analysis of significant research with oral presentations and discussions. Development of leaders for agriculture. May be repeated for up to three semester credit hours.
  • AGRI 7301 - Advanced Agricultural Statistics

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGRI 6316 , AGRI 7318  or equivalent; doctoral student or approval of instructor. Advanced statistical methods for design and analyses of research data from both traditional and non-traditional data sets. Course fee $30.
  • Lab Safety Training

    AGRI 7302 - Agricultural Perspectives on Environmental Risk (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): AGRI 7301 ; doctoral student or approval of instructor. Contemporary approaches to the assessment of environmental and human health risks from agricultural sources.
  • AGRI 7318 - Agricultural Statistical Analysis II

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGRI 6316  or consent of instructor. Simple and multiple regression/correlation, multivariate analysis of variance, and experimental design. Emphasis on application and interpretation.
  • AGRI 7325 - College Teaching in Agriculture

    3 3 0
    Course covers the methods and techniques of teaching at the community college and university levels; explores curriculum, instructional planning and instructional skills of teaching in higher education. Summer I
  • AGRI 7375 - Systems Agriculture I

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): doctoral student standing or approval of instructor. A multi-disciplinary introduction to key issues faced by agriculture with emphasis on developing a systems approach to problem solution.
  • AGRI 7376 - Biotechnology in Agriculture

    3 3 0
    Technological, economic and social issues surrounding the use of biotechnology in the various agricultural sectors, including plant and animal production, waste management, food safety and environmental engineering.
  • AGRI 7381 - Systems Methods

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): approval of instructor and program director. Use of tools to facilitate systems thinking and modeling. Multi-disciplinary approach of systems modeling for agriculture. Basic concepts in modeling. Properties of models. Types of models including deterministic, stochastic, process, physical, etc. Modeling parameters and limitations. Introduction to stocks (or reservoirs), flows, converters, connectors, ghosts, etc. Philosophy of model development and use. Spring of odd years.
  • AGRI 8000 - Doctoral Dissertation

    1-6 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): consent of department head; doctoral students only. Doctoral dissertation. Doctoral students only.
  • Lab Safety Training

    AGRI 8070 - Graduate Experiences in Systems Agriculture

    1-3 0 1-3
    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. Graduate experience in systems agriculture to be taken under supervision of approved faculty in a discipline different than the primary emphasis of student to develop broad perspective of agriculture. Approval by student’s major adviser, instructor and program director is required. May be repeated for a total of six credit hours.
  • Lab Safety Training

    AGRI 8095 - Directed Studies in Agriculture

    1-6 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): approval of instructor. Readings and directed individual studies in various topic areas that specifically relate to the graduate student’s needs and interests. May be repeated for up to six hours credit. Allowed for elective credit only.
  • AGRI 8097 - Doctoral Research

    1-6 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): consent of department head; doctoral students only. Investigation of a topic requiring a multi-disciplinary solution. May be repeated for credit.
  • AGRI 8303 - Systems Agriculture II

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGRI 7375 ,  . An interactive, team-taught, multi-disciplinary capstone course taken near the end of the Ph.D. program, focusing on development of useful solutions to problems in production agriculture.

Animal Science

  • ANSC 5370 - Equine Science and Production

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): ANSC 3374 or ANSC 3310 or consent of instructor. In-depth study of genetics, nutrition and feeding, exercise physiology, and reproduction and breeding as it pertains to the horse. Course fee $40.
  • ANSC 5473 - Equine Business Planning and Management

    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s): AGRI 3318, AGBE 3302 or MKT 3340, and AGBE 4313 or FIN 3320. Review of economic forces that influence the equine industry. Legal aspects, taxation and tax laws as they pertain to the equine industry, including contracts, waivers, liability laws and syndication agreements. Operational strategies and management issues involved in business plans, including organization, implementation and administration of equine enterprises. Course fee $40. Spring.
  • ANSC 6097 - Research

    1-6 0 0
    Investigation of current interest. May be repeated for credit.
  • ANSC 6396 - Directed Studies in Animal Science

    3 0-3 0
    Readings and independent study of topics related to the graduate student’s special needs and interests. May be repeated with different content.
  • ANSC 6698 - Advanced Professional Internship

    6 0-3 0
    Supervised internship in a selected area of animal agriculture. Detailed analysis of the selected work area will be made and a written report prepared.
  • Lab Safety Training

    ANSC 7092 - Special Topics

    1-6 0-6 0-12
    Recent advances and current topics in animal science. May be repeated once for credit.
  • ANSC 7301 - Integrated Animal and Resource Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): doctoral student or approval of instructor. Structure of the animal industry, use of natural and capital resources, and effects on the environment and society.
  • ANSC 7302 - Case Studies in Integrated Animal Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): doctoral student or approval of instructor. Case studies of actual entities in animal industries, focusing on integration of business, production and environmental challenges faced by the beef, dairy, swine, equine and poultry industries. In-depth view of actual financial and regulatory documents pertaining to modern animal production. Fall of odd years.
  • ANSC 7322 - Ruminant Nutrition I

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 2573 or equivalent or instructor consent. Classification of ruminants and anatomy and physiology of the ruminant gastrointestinal tract. Ruminal microbiology, ruminal fermentation, intestinal digestion, and tissue metabolism of carbohydrates, nitrogen and lipids.
  • ANSC 7324 - Digestive Physiology

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 2573 or equivalent or instructor consent. Digestion and absorption of nutrients by ruminants and nonruminants with emphasis on gastrointestinal physiology. Metabolism of absorbed nutrients by the intestines, liver and other tissues.
  • ANSC 7325 - Forage Resource Utilization by Grazing Animals

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the Ph.D. Program. Integration of livestock production with rangeland and pasture management practices. Investigation of livestock and plant community interactions that impact productivity and utilization of rangeland and improved pastures. Manipulation of the grazing process to meet management objectives. Fall of odd years.
  • ANSC 7328 - Advancements in Livestock Production

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): appropriate undergraduate production course or consent of instructor. Student may enroll in each of the following areas: (1) beef cattle, (2) sheep, (3) swine, (4) horse production, (5) feedlot management. Survey of current knowledge and concepts in the specific livestock production area; professional literature, scientific basis, and relation to future production practices and investigations. Economic considerations and current problems operation. Enrollment once in each production area.
  • Lab Safety Training

    ANSC 7330 - Advanced Reproduction in Farm Animals (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Theory and development of appropriate skills in application of animal reproduction techniques; artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, fertility testing, and semen processing and evaluation. Course fee $25.
  • ANSC 7346 - Advanced Livestock Management Systems

    3 3 0
    Alternate management schemes for livestock enterprises. Cow-calf, stocker-calf finishing cattle, farrow-to-finish swine and sheep production systems. Management, inputs, expected production and husbandry techniques for various operations.
  • ANSC 7363 - Advanced Meat Science and Technology

    3 2 2
    Conversion of muscle to meat with emphasis on physical and biochemical changes. Microbiology and other related characteristics of meat and its implication in commercial meat processing. Course fee $15.
  • ANSC 7370 - Endocrinology

    Same as BIOL 7370 .
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. Function of endocrine glands and hormonal regulatory systems. Mechanisms of action of hormones at the cellular and molecular level. Recent advances in endocrinological research.
  • ANSC 7380 - Advanced Animal Health Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. Relationship of physiological stress, immunity, and animal management on disease pathogenesis. Prevention, treatment and diagnostic methods of economically important animal diseases. Spring of odd years.
  • ANSC 7381 - Principles of Epidemiology

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): AGRI 7318  or consent of instructor. Problem-based course content that will cover fundamental epidemiological concepts, including measures of disease burden, measures of effect, bias, precision, study design, diagnostic tests and causal inference. Spring of even years.
  • Lab Safety Training

    ANSC 7407 - Research Techniques in Animal Science (HAZ)

    4 1 6
    Prerequisite(s): ANSC 2371 or ANSC 3310  or equivalent. Sampling techniques and preparation of samples for analysis in nutrition and ruminant health and immunology experiments. Laboratory techniques for measurement of proximate analysis of feeds, in vitro and in vivo digestibility, and veterinary diagnostics. Use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and spectroscopy in analysis of biological samples. Evaluation of experimental designs commonly used in animal health and nutrition studies.
  • ANSC 8095 - Directed Studies in Animal Science

    1-6 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): approval of instructor. Readings and directed individual studies in various topic areas that specifically relate to the graduate student’s needs and interests. May be repeated for up to six hours credit. Allowed for elective credit only.

Applied Music

  • MUAP 6001 - Applied Music — Violin

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6005 - Applied Music — Viola

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6009 - Applied Music — Violoncello

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6013 - Applied Music — Double Bass

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6017 - Applied Music — Flute

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6021 - Applied Music — Oboe

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6025 - Applied Music — Bassoon

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6029 - Applied Music — Clarinet

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6033 - Applied Music — Saxophone

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6037 - Applied Music — Trumpet

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6041 - Applied Music — Horn

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6045 - Applied Music — Trombone

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.
  • MUAP 6049 - Applied Music — Euphonium

    Applied Music is private instruction for music majors. Course fees variable.

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