Mar 28, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Procedures and Policies

Office of the Registrar
Old Main • 806-651-4911

Registration and Enrollment

The way and time a student registers vary according to the student’s enrollment status: continuing, freshman or transfer student. Registration dates are on the academic calendar on Buff Advisor and in the University Calendar online at The University offers two opportunities for registration each semester: priority registration and late registration.

Priority Registration

Priority registration is the early period when students register and make payment prior to classes beginning. Students who priority register save $4 per semester-credit hour.

Late Registration

Late registration begins immediately after priority registration closes (two to three weeks prior to classes beginning) and extends through the fourth class day in fall and spring semesters, or second class day of summer sessions, and is billed at $4 per semester-credit hour more than priority registration.

Continuing Students Priority Registration

Priority registration is offered beginning April 1 for summer sessions and the fall semester, and Nov. 1 for the spring semester. Currently enrolled students are encouraged to register at this time. Priority registration occurs by student classification:

  • First-graduate and senior students only.
  • Second-sophomore and junior students.
  • Third-freshman students.

New Freshman Students

In order for students who recently graduated from high school to priority register for the fall semester, they are required to attend one of the New Student Orientations (NSO) offered throughout the summer. The Office of Admissions sends invitations for students to attend a NSO when they have met requirements to be fully admitted. Students unable to attend NSO during the summer must register the week prior to the fall semester starting. Any student registering during late registration will be charged a late fee. New freshmen starting college any semester other than fall will be notified by letter when to register.

Transfer Students

West Texas A&M University promotes opportunities for admission and enrollment of undergraduate transfer students through a series of resources aimed at providing support, encouragement and information to earn a four-year degree at WTAMU. The following are the most frequent resources utilized and beneficial to prospective transfer students:

  1. WTAMU offers articulation agreements with two-year institutions that assist students with course selections and course transferability; transfer plans help students understand the course work they may complete at community colleges toward an associate degree, as well as the bachelor’s degree at WTAMU.
  2. Transfer students from Texas public community colleges who meet certain requirements are notified of guaranteed admission to WTAMU. Students must meet one of the following conditions and apply by June 1 for fall-semester admission or by Nov. 1 for spring-semester admission:
    • Earned an academic transfer (not vocational-technical) associate’s degree from a Texas public community college, or
    • Completed 24 or more academic transferable hours (non-vocational-technical) from a Texas Public community college with a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or greater.

      Students who wish to be considered for admission under this guarantee program must submit a transfer application for admission by June 1 for fall-semester admission or by Nov. 1 for spring-semester admission.
  3. More information about transferring to WTAMU is available on the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website,, or by calling 1-800-99-WTAMU.

Schedule of Classes

The best source of registration information is Buff Advisor, Links to information related to key dates for semesters, classes offered and payment dates are available on the main page of Buff Advisor. This information, along with the ability to search for classes, is open to the general public. Specific information for a student can be accessed using a University-assigned user name and password once a student has been admitted to the University.

Another resource is the Schedule of Classes. Information is available in PDF format on the main page of Buff Advisor,

Math Placement

All students registering for college-level math will be required to take the ACCUPLACER elementary algebra exam for math placement, even if a student is TSI exempt.

Course Placement

  • 85 or higher

MATH 1314 , MATH 1324  or MATH 1332 .

  • 63-84
  MATH 0303 .
  • Below 63
  MATH 0302 .

Exemptions to Placement Testing

  • Prior ACCUPLACER elementary algebra score within last year of 85 or higher.
  • College algebra credit with grade of “C” or higher.
  • Credit for college algebra from test scores (i.e., ACT, SAT, AP, CLEP). For scores, see the “Credit by Examination” section of this catalog.
  • THEA score within last year of 270 or higher.

Academic Advising

In the first semester of enrollment, academic advising and placement is done based on ACT/SAT scores, ACCUPLACER or THEA scores, high school transcripts and previous college credit. Students who have met TSI requirements may still be required to take an assessment for placement purposes. All undergraduate students with less than 60 hours are required to be advised each semester by the Office of Advising Services; undergraduate students with 60 or more hours are required to be advised by their assigned academic adviser. The purpose of advising each semester is to guide students in their course selection and progression. It is the student’s responsibility to know what courses they have completed and to make sure they do not enroll in the same course again.

Students with 60 or more hours who do not have an adviser or wish to change their major or adviser should contact the department of their major and request an appointment to complete a change of adviser/major form. Once completed, the form should be taken to the Office of the Registrar to update the student record.

During advising, the adviser should “green light” the student, making the student eligible to register in the web registration system, Buff Advisor, for the next semester. Advising and green lighting for the next semester begin approximately one month after the beginning of fall and spring semesters. Students who are advised in the spring for the following fall semester will be “green lighted” for May intersession, both summer sessions and fall semester all at once.

Advising Services

Undecided majors and general studies or B.A.A.S. degree majors with fewer than 60 hours credit are advised and green lighted through the Office of Advising Services. Students with 60 or more hours, who have not passed a section of TSI, must first be advised and green lighted by their department academic adviser; then they will be advised regarding TSI compliance and registered in the Office of Advising Services. Students who have not met TSI requirements are not eligible to use Buff Advisor (for registration only) until TSI is completed.

Developmental Education

Students with 60 or more hours, who have not passed a section of TSI, must first be advised and green lighted by their department academic adviser; then they will be advised regarding TSI compliance and registered in the STARR Center, where a plan for academic success will be discussed, outlined in writing and placed on file in the STARR Center. The plan for academic success will include a description of developmental course work necessary to ensure readiness for college-level course work.

All students who have not passed or met TSI requirements are required to enroll in developmental education in those areas needing remediation until such time as they pass the developmental course or pass one of the TSI-approved assessments. Students who have met TSI requirements in all areas, but who according to the developmental education and placement guidelines must complete developmental education to move into the college-level course, may decide what semester they wish to enroll in developmental courses, although they are strongly advised to take the courses early in their academic career.

Students who drop (any time after the 12th class day) or fail the same developmental education course for the third time will be developmentally suspended from the University for future semesters. Students who have been developmentally suspended are encouraged to reapply to WTAMU, once they have successfully completed the required developmental course or course sequence at another college or university. Reinstatement after being developmentally suspended may occur by appeal only.


Students should be sure to check and remove all restrictions from their record prior to attempting to register. Most restrictions will block students from registering for classes. Restrictions can be seen in Buff Advisor under “General Academic Information” and should indicate the office involved so the student will know who to contact for more information.

Registration Options

Buff Advisor

The University’s web registration system, Buff Advisor, is accessible through the WTAMU website homepage at, then click MyBUFF portal. Directions are available through the help screen. To be eligible to web register, students must have attended the long semester prior or completed admission to the University, completed a Change of Adviser/Major form with their academic adviser, been “green lighted,” met requirements of TSI and cleared their record of any restrictions.

Academic Adviser

All students, including those who have not passed all sections of TSI, are required to visit with their academic adviser to be green lighted each semester. Students who have not met TSI requirements are required to register in the Office of Advising Services. Students who have met TSI requirements and have a major should register through Buff Advisor; however, some courses require special override permission. Faculty members may add them during the advising process.

Schedule Changes/Dropping Classes

Refer to the calendar on Buff Advisor for the last day to add or drop courses. Students wishing to drop all classes for a semester need to follow the withdrawal process. Classes dropped on or before the 12th class day in regular semesters (fourth class day in summer sessions) will not be reflected on the student transcript. Classes dropped prior to midterm will reflect a grade of “X” (drop passing). After midterm, classes dropped will reflect a grade of “X” (drop passing) or “XF” (drop failing), depending on whether the student was passing or failing at the time of dropping or withdrawing. Restrictions will prevent dropping classes on Buff Advisor.

Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal is the dropping of all classes in a semester. In order to withdraw from classes, a student must notify the Office of the Registrar of that intent in person, by mail or by fax. Withdrawals cannot be done on Buff Advisor. Students who withdraw on or before the 12th class day (fourth class day in summer sessions) will have a record of the semester on their transcript with a notation, “Student withdrew without earning credit (date).” Students withdrawing after the 12th class day, but before midterm, will receive a grade of “X” (withdraw passing). If a student withdraws after midterm, a grade of “X” (withdraw passing) or “XF” (withdraw failing) will be recorded. Students leaving the University without making arrangements to withdraw through the Office of the Registrar will automatically receive an “F” in all classes. The deadline to withdraw is noted each semester in the academic calendar online or in the Schedule of Classes Information.

The University may cancel enrollment of a student for reasons, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Failure to comply with TSI and/or the Developmental Education Policy.
  • Disciplinary reasons.
  • Failure to make timely payment of tuition and fees.
  • Failure to remove administrative restrictions from student records (prior to the first class day of the semester).
  • Other reasons as deemed appropriate by the University.

Explanation of Course Offerings

Semester Credit Hours

Students receive semester credit hours for all courses taken at WTAMU. A semester credit hour generally equals one hour of lecture or two to four hours of laboratory per week for 15 weeks.

Course Numbering System

  • 0001-0999-developmental courses, do not apply toward a degree.
  • 1000-2999-primarily freshman and sophomore level
  • 3000-4999-open to students who have completed more than 30 hours and the departmental prerequisite.
  • 5000-graduate stacked with undergraduate.
  • 6000-master’s level.
  • 7000-master’s/doctoral level.
  • 8000-doctoral students only.


Prerequisites are requirements which must be met before a course can be taken. Individual course descriptions and prerequisites are listed in the “Course Descriptions ” section of this catalog. Prerequisite exemptions can be made if approved in advance in writing by the appropriate department head.

Course Availability

Not all courses are offered each semester, summer session or intersession. Course rotation information can be found at

Student Classification

A student’s class standing is not measured by the number of years attended but by the number of college-level hours completed.

0-29 hours-Freshman

30-59 hours-Sophomore

60-89 hours-Junior

90-plus hours-Senior

Student Course Load


Fall/Spring Semesters

Full-time enrollment is a minimum of 12 semester hours. A normal semester for freshmen and students with at least a “C” average in college work is 16-17 hours. Physical education activity courses are considered part of the course load. Fewer semester hours should be taken by students with less than a “C” average. Enrollment in more than 18 hours requires approval from the student’s academic dean.


Students are limited to three semester hours (four hours if a lab science course) during an intersession due to the shortened time frame and format. Intersessions are available in winter (December/January) and in May.

Summer Sessions

Normal course load is six to seven semester hours per summer session. Full-time enrollment is six hours. Registration of more hours must be approved by the student’s dean before registration. A total of 15 hours for both summer sessions is the maximum load.


Maximum semester load for graduate students is 15 hours per semester, seven hours during summer sessions. Course loads above the maximum may be approved by the candidate’s academic dean. Nine hours per semester is considered a minimum full-time load, five hours minimum per semester to receive financial aid.

Class Attendance

Students are responsible for attending classes in which they have registered. While the University does not have a standard requirement on attendance, individual instructors have the right to set reasonable and clearly explained attendance standards for their classes. For more detailed information, see the Code of Student Life.

Students who miss classes for reasons of official University business will be given the opportunity to make up the missed work without penalty. However, students and/or the sponsor/coach of the official University activity must inform individual instructors prior to the absence.

Students who miss three or more consecutive days due to illness or emergency should contact the Office of Student Affairs for assistance. Upon receipt of documentation detailing the illness or emergency, the Office of Student Affairs will contact individual instructors, in writing, explaining the nature of the absence and requesting consideration in making up missed work without penalty. It will be the student’s responsibility to follow-up with the individual instructor on missed work. Documents may be sent to the Office of Student Affairs at WTAMU Box 60775, Canyon, Texas 79016 or fax to 806-651-2926. Call 806-651-2050 for more information.

Residence Credit

Residence credit is granted for all scheduled classes offered by the University for which tuition is paid.

Continuing Student Status

Students who enroll, pay fees and attend classes at WTAMU are in a continuing student status for the current and subsequent semesters. Reapplication to the University is required if a student fails to return for one long (fall or spring) semester. This includes students who enroll, pay registration fees and then withdraw prior to the 12th class day.

Auditing Courses

With permission of the instructor and approval of the department head, certain courses may be audited for non-credit. Individuals must be at least 19 years of age and have a high school diploma or its equivalent to audit a course. An audit fee of $20 per semester credit hour, or a maximum of $60, will be charged. Auditing status provides the privilege of class attendance only and does not include taking examinations, submitting papers or participating in laboratories, clinicals or performance activities (e.g., fitness and recreational activity courses, studio art, applied music, dance). If a course is filled with credit students, no audits will be allowed. No official University record is kept of audited courses. Information about courses for audit is available in the Office of the Registrar. Audit approval forms are available in the Office of Accounting and Business.

Changing Majors

Students with 60 or more hours wishing to change majors should make an appointment with a faculty adviser in the department of their new major. Students with less than 60 hours who wish to change majors should contact the Office of Advising Services. The adviser will visit with the student about the new major and complete a new Change of Adviser/Major form. A copy of the Change of Adviser/Major form will be sent to the Office of the Registrar to enter the new major and faculty adviser.


Intersession is a mini-term of approximately 12-14 days typically offered immediately following the fall and spring semesters. Courses taken during intersession are considered part of the semester they precede for financial aid, grading and registration purposes. Students may take only one course during an intersession. Any student who has not met TSI requirements will not be eligible for intersession classes.

Continuing Education

The Continuing Education Program extends resources of the University to meet specialized needs of a group of people not generally identified as traditional college students. This is accomplished through credit and non-credit seminars, workshops, institutes, short courses, contract training, independent study (correspondence) and other specialized means of delivery. For non-credit activities, continuing education units (CEUs) are awarded, one unit for every 10 contact hours of participation.

For more information, call 806-651-2037 or visit the Office of Continuing Education, located in the Old Student Union Building (SUB).

Distance Education

The University is committed to providing learning opportunities to students beyond the conventional classroom.


WTClass is a web interface that enables students to search for syllabi by course, instructor or department. Access to syllabi for University courses is unsecured and available to anyone; however, access to additional course information is password protected and available only to students currently enrolled in the course.

WTClass also serves as the virtual learning environment supported by West Texas A&M University. It is the cornerstone for courses offered at a distance. University courses are delivered and completed via the Internet. Students access course work and interact with their professors and other students in the online classroom. The WTClass site is located at

Study by Correspondence

Correspondence courses are available through the Continuing Education Center for students unable to enroll in residence courses. A maximum of 18 semester hours of any curriculum leading to a bachelor’s degree or certificate may be completed by correspondence. A student in residence must have approval from his or her dean to begin or complete correspondence work. Correspondence courses are counted as part of the student’s load for the initial semester in which the enrollment was processed. These courses do not count as residence credit in meeting degree requirements. A grade for a correspondence course taught by WTAMU faculty can replace a grade of “D” or “F” on a student’s transcript. Correspondence work will be considered for aid deferments, insurance, athletics, etc.

For a catalog of correspondence courses available, call 806-651-2037 or visit the Office of Continuing Education, located in the Old Student Union Building (SUB).

Email Address

All currently enrolled students will be given a West Texas A&M University email address. The address will consist of the first letter of the student’s name, first letter of the student’s middle name, the student’s full last name, plus a number beginning with This will be the student’s email address for life. This email address will be deemed the official means of communication with the student.

Foreign Study

Students interested in studying outside the United States should contact their academic dean for more information.

Student Directory Information

Under provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, students have the right to withhold disclosure of directory information as listed.

(20 U.S.C. 1232g(b)(4)(a). Directory information consists of student’s name, local and permanent address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, classification, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight if a member of an athletic team, date of attendance, degrees, awards and honors received, enrollment status (part-time, full-time, undergraduate, graduate), the most recent educational institution attended and other information which would make the student’s identity easily traceable.

Students should carefully consider the consequences of a decision to withhold directory information as future requests from non-institutional persons and/or organizations will be refused. Filing a request to withhold information will also keep a student’s name from being listed for publication for honors such as Dean’s List or President’s List or in the graduation program. A request form to withhold directory information must be filed in the Office of the Registrar, no later than the 12th class day of the fall or spring semesters or fourth class day of summer sessions. A request to withhold directory information remains in place until the student informs the Registrar in writing to remove it.

Personal Information Changes

Students may initiate an official name change by presenting one of the following documents to the Office of the Registrar: birth certificate, court order, marriage license or divorce decree. Local or permanent address, phone or email updates should be done in person at the Office of the Registrar, through Buff Advisor or at and following the instructions. A correction in social security number requires the student to bring the social security card to the Office of the Registrar for verification.

Photography and Recording of Students and Employees

West Texas A&M University reserves the right to photograph and record (through the use of still, video, audio or other medium) students and employees on campus and at University-sponsored functions and events. The University reserves the right to use, broadcast, distribute and/or publish any part of such images, likenesses, voices, appearances and/or performances for promotional, advertising, educational or other honorable purposes.


Grading System

The accompanying grade chart indicates grade symbols and their numerical equivalents for evaluating course work.

Grade Symbol Explanation Grade Points
“A” Excellent 4
“B” Good 3
“C” Average 2
“D” Passing 1
“F” Failing 0
“P” Pass grade for developmental courses prior to 2002 fall semester -
“U” Fail grade for developmental courses prior to 2002 fall semester -
“I” Incomplete -
“X” Drop/withdraw prior to midterm (not calculated in GPA) -
“X” Drop/withdraw passing after midterm (not calculated in GPA) -
“XF” Drop/withdraw failing after midterm (calculated in GPA) 0
“S” Pass in CLEP, SAT, ACT and other specially approved courses -
“IP” Thesis/Dissertation in progress -
NOTE: No grade of “D” can count for credit in the program’s major degree requirements. A grade of “D” can count for credit in elective and/or core courses not required by the major.

Incomplete Grade (‘I’)

A grade of “I” indicates a portion of required course work has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen, but fully justified (i.e. hospitalization, personal injury), reasons and that there is still a possibility of earning credit. It is the student’s responsibility to bring pertinent information to the instructor and request the incomplete option. Students electing the incomplete option must normally complete the required course work within the time designated by the instructor but not to exceed 12 months. If a student fails to complete the required course work within 12 months, the grade will be changed to an “F.” Once a grade of “I” is assigned by the instructor, the student cannot drop the course. Students who are given an incomplete do not re-enroll in the class to complete the “I.”

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA) is the average of end-of-term grades. A GPA can be figured for one term or, using the same method, a student can calculate the cumulative, or overall, GPA.

As an example, use the following grades for a semester:

  • 3-hour English course
  • 3-hour computer course
  • 5-hour math course
  • 3-hour business course

To figure the GPA for a semester, first multiply the number of credit hours for each course times the numerical value of the grade (“A”=4, “B”=3, “C”=2, “D”=1, “F”=0). This will give the quality points for each course (e.g., to determine the grade point for English, multiply 3 x 2).

Number of Credit Hours   Numerical Grade Value   Grade Points Course
3 x 2 = 6 English
3 x 3 = 9 computer
5 x 3 = 15 math
3 x 4 = 12 business
14       42  

Divide the total number of credit hours (14) into the total number of grade points (42) to calculate the GPA (3.0).

42 grade points ÷ 14 credit hours = 3.0 GPA

Repeating Course Work

It is the students’ responsibility to know what courses they have received credit for and to make sure they do not unintentionally repeat a course. If a student repeats a course at WTAMU, it is with the understanding that the last grade earned is the one to be counted toward fulfillment of requirements. To raise a grade, students may not repeat a course at another college or university, including a grade of “F,” received at WTAMU. The transferred work will not affect the grade point average (GPA) on the WTAMU transcript.

Students are charged a fee for any course attempted for a third or subsequent time at WTAMU other than a non-degree credit developmental course or exempted courses. For more information, refer to the course repeat fee in the “Fee, Expenses and Financial Assistance” section of this catalog.

Excess Undergraduate Credit Hours Rule

The state of Texas will not provide funds to state institutions of higher education for excess semester credit hours earned by a resident student. Because funding will not be provided by the state, and as permitted by state law, West Texas A&M University will charge tuition at the non-resident rate to all students who exceed the semester credit hour limit for their program. Excess semester credit hours are those which accrue after the student exceeds the allowable number of semester credit hours required for completion of the degree program in which the student is enrolled. Students may accumulate up to the allowable hours beyond the degree requirements and not exceed the limitation.

Allowable excess credit hours beyond degree requirements are:

  • For students who began fall 1999 through summer 2006, 45 semester credit hours.
  • For students who began fall 2006 and after, 30 semester credit hours.

Semester credit hours counted toward the limitation include all hours attempted by the student except:

  • Semester credit hours earned by the student before receiving a baccalaureate degree that has been previously awarded.
  • Semester credit hours earned by the student by examination or other procedure by which credit is earned without registering for a course for which tuition is charged.
  • Credit for developmental education courses, technical courses, work-force education courses funded according to contact hours, or other courses that do not count toward a degree program.
  • Semester credit hours earned by the student at a private or an out-of-state institution.

Students who have exceeded the allowable number of semester credit hours may receive a waiver of the non-resident rate if they are in their final semester, will graduate pending successful completion of their course work for that semester and there are extenuating circumstances that precluded their graduation within the allowable number of semester credit hours. An appeal should be filed with the Office of the Registrar (form available on request) and a letter from the student’s academic dean verifying graduation eligibility must be included as supporting documentation. The Office of the Provost reviews submitted appeals and makes the final determination. Appeals for other extenuating circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Limitations on Number of Courses That May Be Dropped

Students who enroll as beginning freshmen (with or without previous college credit while in high school) at any Texas public institution of higher education beginning fall 2007 and later are subject to Texas Education Code 51.907, which was prompted by SB 1231 and passed by the 80th Legislature. An undergraduate student may not be permitted to drop a total of more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another Texas public institution of higher education, after the institutional census date (usually 12th class day of fall and spring semesters and fourth class day of summer sessions).

Students may appeal a dropped course if they can provide documentation of extenuating circumstances related to the reasons for dropping the course (examples include severe illness or debilitating condition, death of a close family member, call to active duty). For more information about affected students, courses counted toward the drop limit and appeals, contact the Office of the Registrar in Old Main or at 806-651-4911.

President’s List and Dean’s List

Each fall semester and spring semester, undergraduate students are recognized for academic achievement if they earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher in at least 12 semester hours of “nondevelopmental” residence credit for which standard letter grades (“A,” “B,” “C,” “D”) are given. To receive this recognition, a student must have no grade of “F,” “XF” or “I.”

President’s List-4.00 semester GPA

Dean’s List-3.50-3.99 semester GPA

Grade Point Deficiency

A student whose WTAMU cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below the graduation requirements of “C” (“B” for graduate students) has a grade-point deficiency. This alone does not result in suspension from the University, but the deficiency must be removed in order for a student to fulfill degree requirements.

Academic Probation and Suspension

(Approved April 2009, Revised July 2010)

The purpose of Academic Probation and Suspension is to identify, warn and provide assistance to students who are not making satisfactory academic progress. The intent of the procedure is to assist these students with academic intervention and support at the earliest time possible.

The procedure has four levels-academic warning, academic probation, academic suspension and academic dismissal. The semester grade point average (GPA) at the end of every fall, spring and combined summer semester determines the academic status for the student. A semester GPA of less than 2.0 will result in academic warning, probation or suspension depending on the student’s status at the beginning of that semester.

1.0 Definitions

1.1 Semester: fall, spring or summer. (The “summer semester” is inclusive of May intersession, summer session I and summer session II. The academic term from May through August is counted as “one semester.”)

1.2 Cumulative GPA: grade point average for all courses in which the student received a grade at WTAMU.

1.3 Semester GPA: grade point average for all courses in which the student received a grade during the identified semester.

1.4 Academic Warning: issued to students whose cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above, but the student’s semester GPA is below 2.0 or the student fails to successfully complete seventy-five percent (75%) of the courses in which they officially enrolled during that semester.

1.5 Academic Probation: issued when a student’s cumulative GPA is less than 2.0.

1.6 Academic Suspension: issued when a student does not earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or above while on academic probation.

1.7 Reinstatement: when a student is returned to academic probation following academic suspension.

1.8 Academic Dismissal: issued when a student has served two suspensions and does not fulfill the conditions for reinstatement following the second suspension and reinstatement.

2.0 Procedure

2.1 Continued enrollment in an undergraduate program at West Texas A&M University is dependent upon a student maintaining satisfactory academic progress toward attaining a degree.

2.2 To assist students in maintaining satisfactory progress, West Texas A&M University has adopted academic standards designed to provide early identification of students who are experiencing academic difficulty and to provide timely intervention through academic advising and academic support programs.

2.3 Delineation of Levels of Academic Probation and Suspension

2.3.1 Academic Warning (see definition in 1.4): Academic warning is the least severe of the levels in academic probation and suspension and does not appear on a student’s official academic record. Academic warning serves as an opportunity to address any academic difficulties with the goal of preventing a student from being placed on academic probation. Students must meet with an adviser prior to the start of the semester following inadequate performance to develop a remediation plan and determine any necessary referrals to campus resources. Students who have earned 60 or more hours must meet with their academic adviser. Students who have earned between 30 and 60 hours must meet with either their academic adviser or with the appropriate Office of Advising Services advisor. Students who have earned less than 30 hours must meet with the appropriate Office of Advising Services adviser. At the end of a semester in which a student is on academic warning, the student will either: Be removed from warning status by earning at least a 2.0 semester GPA and completing at least 75 percent of the courses in which they are officially enrolled, or Continue on academic warning by earning less than a 2.0 semester GPA or completing less than 75 percent of the courses in which they are officially enrolled but maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, or Be placed on academic probation by earning less than a 2.0 semester GPA and their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Students who have received three consecutive semesters of academic warning must consult with their college dean or designee for individual consideration.

2.3.2 Academic Probation (see definition in 1.5): academic probation is an indication of serious academic difficulty that may ultimately lead to suspension from the University. Probation appears on the student’s academic record. Students will be placed on academic probation at the end of any semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Students placed on academic probation are required to complete a Probation Contract and Plan for Academic Improvement. Students who have earned 60 or more hours must complete the Probation Contract and Plan for Academic Improvement with their academic advisor. Students who have earned between 30 and 60 hours must complete the Probation Contract and Plan for Academic Improvement with either their academic adviser or with the appropriate Office of Advising Services advisor. Students who have earned less than 30 hours must complete the Probation Contract and Plan for Academic Improvement with the appropriate Office of Advising Services adviser. At the end of the semester on which a student is on academic probation, the student will either Be removed from academic probation by earning a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above, or Continue on academic probation by earning at least a 2.0 for their semester GPA but their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, or Be subject to academic suspension by failing to earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher.

2.3.3 Academic Suspension (see definition in 1.6): Academic suspension is an indicator of severe academic difficulty and appears on the students’ academic record. Academic suspension allows the student time to reassess academic and career goals and/or resolve other causes for continued academic failure. Students on academic suspension may not take courses nor participate in any extracurricular/co-curricular activities. Students suspended the first time may not enroll for two consecutive semesters. Students suspended a second time (after one reinstatement) may not enroll for three consecutive semesters (one calendar year). Students failing to meet the reinstatement requirements following the second suspension will be dismissed.

2.3.4 Academic Dismissal (see definition in 1.8): following a second reinstatement after a second academic suspension, a student failing to fulfill the terms of his or her reinstatement contract will be dismissed. Students dismissed by the University may only be reinstated under the University’s Academic Fresh Start procedure.

3.0 Reinstatement

3.1 Reinstatement and/or readmission after serving first academic suspension

3.1.1 Students serving a first academic suspension may seek reinstatement after a minimum of two semesters. Supplicants must submit a Reinstatement from Suspension form (available from the Office of the Registrar’s website) no later than five business days prior to the University’s first class day. Students who have earned 60 or more hours must submit the form to the appropriate college dean. Students who have earned less than 60 hours must submit the form to the Office of Advising Services. Transcripts for any and all academic work completed at institutions other than West Texas A&M University while on suspension must be submitted following deadlines found on the Office of the Registrar website.

3.1.2 Students reinstated will be on academic probation.

3.1.3 Students reinstated may be required to complete testing, advising and/or counseling, as considered necessary by the Office of Advising Services and/or college dean (or their designee).

3.1.4 Students reinstated may be required to take additional course work designed to facilitate success, as considered necessary by the Office of Advising Services and/or college dean (or their designee).

3.2 Reinstatement and/or readmission after serving second academic suspension

3.2.1 Students serving a second Academic Suspension may seek reinstatement after a minimum of one calendar year.

3.2.2 All processes described in 3.1 shall be followed for students seeking reinstatement after serving the second Academic Suspension. In addition: The applicant must write a formal letter of appeal, establishing reasons why the reinstatement should be granted. The letter of appeal must be typed and will only be considered if it meets customary standards for good composition. The Provost/VPAA (or designee) shall convene the Academic Review Committee for purposes of reviewing the applicant’s letter of appeal and advising the college dean or Office of Advising Services. In the event of reinstatement, the student shall be issued a contract specifying behaviors and actions to be completed by the student. Failure to fulfill the contract will result in dismissal.

4.0 Appeal of Academic Suspension

4.1 Reinstatement without serving suspension is rare. However mitigating circumstances may appropriately call for an appeal.

4.2 Students seeking appeal must submit an Appeal of Academic Suspension Form (form available through the Office of the Registrar website) and any supporting documentation.

4.2.1 The appeal should be filed no later than five business days prior to the first class day of the semester of suspension and will not be considered later than the first class day of the semester of suspension.

4.2.2 The appeal will be heard by the Academic Review Committee.

4.2.3 While the appeal is being heard and processed, the student will be considered suspended and may not enroll in classes or participate in extra curricular activities.

4.3 If the appeal is granted by the Academic Review Committee, the student will return to academic probation.

For more information, contact the WTAMU provost/vice president for academic affairs at 806-651-2044.


Official transcripts (permanent academic records), as well as certificates of good standing, are available free of charge from the Office of the Registrar. Requests for transcripts must be in writing and include student’s name, social security number or WTAMU ID number, and signature. Students may request transcripts in person at the Office of the Registrar, located in Old Main, or write:

Office of the Registrar
WTAMU Box 60877
Canyon, Texas 79016-0001

Requests may be faxed to 806-651-4949. Printable transcript request forms are available on the WTAMU website at

Tuition and Fee Refund Policy

Section 54.006 of the Education Code sets the policy for refund of tuition and mandatory fees to students who withdraw from the University. The policy for withdrawals is as follows:

If a student withdraws during a fall or spring semester or a summer term of 10 weeks or longer, the refund is as follows:

(A) prior to the first class day 100 percent (less $15.00 matriculation fee)
(B) during the first five class days 80 percent
(C) during the second five class days 70 percent
(D) during the third five class days 50 percent
(E) during the fourth five class days 25 percent
(F) after the fourth five class days None

If a student withdraws during a term or session of more than five weeks but less than 10 weeks, the refund is as follows:

(A) prior to the first class day 100 percent (less $15.00 matriculation fee)
(B) during the first, second, or third class day 80 percent
(C) during the fourth, fifth, or sixth class 50 percent
(D) seventh day of class and thereafter None

If a student withdraws from a term or session of five weeks or less, the refund is as follows:

(A) prior to the first class day 100 percent (less $15.00 matriculation fee)
(B) during the first class day 80 percent
(C) during the second class day 50 percent
(D) during the third class day and thereafter None

The refund is calculated on the total cost of tuition and mandatory fees charged for the courses in which the student was enrolled prior to withdrawal.

If a student drops a class on or before the census date of the semester (12th class day for fall and spring semesters; 4th class day for summer terms) and remains enrolled in at least one course for that term, the tuition and mandatory fees for the dropped classes will be refunded to the student.