Feb 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Education

Dr. Judy Williams, interim department head

Old Main, Room 414A • WTAMU Box 60208 jdwilliams@wtamu.edu
806-651-2626 • Fax 806-651-3610 • wtamu.edu/academics/education

Faculty: Allen, Andersen, Bigham, Bingham, Campbell, Castillo, Coneway, Diego-Medrano, Garcia, Green, Henderson, Hindman, Hughes, Hwang, Riney, Rose, Spaulding, Thomas, J. Williams.

West Texas A&M University is accredited by the Texas Education Agency/State Board for Educator Certification to prepare elementary teachers, secondary teachers and school service personnel at the undergraduate and graduate level. West Texas A&M University’s Educator Preparation Program has been accepted for candidacy by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

The Department of Education faculty is dedicated to providing a comprehensive post-secondary educational program designed to produce graduates who are well prepared for future roles as educational leaders of the young people of our society. We believe that, as teachers, we exert a significant influence on society and, therefore, must be prepared to serve as models as well as instructors. Recognizing that teaching is an ever-changing science, we use successful educational principles of the past and research data from the present to prepare students to teach in an ever-evolving society. This requires not only that graduates demonstrate knowledge of material pertinent to their designated area of interest but also that they be encouraged to be creative thinkers and creative “doers” who employ interpersonal, organizational and motivational skills.

The purpose of teacher education at WTAMU is to prepare professional educators who are proficient in student-centered instruction, culturally relevant pedagogy, collaboration, critical thinking, and effective communication and who meet the following departmental standards:

  1. The student-centered educator has a caring disposition and understands the importance of addressing students’ needs.
  2. The student-centered educator understands the importance of both content area and pedagogical knowledge in the development of effective curriculum and instruction.
  3. The student-centered educator is aware of cultural, intellectual, and demographic differences and understands how to meet the needs of diverse students.
  4. The student-centered educator understands how to solve problems using research-based practices and reflective pedagogies.
  5. The student-centered educator uses innovative teaching methods that are technologically competent.
  6. The student-centered educator is collegial and collaborative in the school community.
  7. The student-centered educator reflectively designs effective curriculum and instruction and uses assessments to evaluate student performance and to inform practice.

The Teacher Education Program is University-wide in scope, with each individual department making its contribution to the program. The dean of the College of Education and Social Sciences is the administrative officer of the University who is ultimately responsible for the Teacher Education Program. The department head is chairman of the Teacher Education Unit, composed of faculty members chosen from the five colleges of the University. The unit has the responsibility for approval of the teacher education curricula of the University and approval of admissions criteria to the Teacher Education Program.

Admission/Retention Requirements

The state of Texas establishes minimum standards for teacher education programs. All certification programs at West Texas A&M University are in compliance with these requirements. Students must meet state, University, college and department/program requirements for acceptance into the Teacher Education Program. Students are responsible for contacting the Office of Teacher Preparation and Advising (Old Main, Room 415) to obtain information about specific requirements in major and program areas.

Admission to and Retention in the Teacher Education Program (TEP)
  1. Texas Success Initiative (TSI) complete. Refer to the TSI section  of this catalog.
  2. For admission, an overall grade point average of 2.75 on all course work attempted or a 2.75 on the last 60 hours attempted (transcripts from all entities attended).
  3. For retention, a 2.75 GPA with no grade lower than a “C” in each area: teaching field, content, and professional education course work.
  4. If a student fails to maintain retention requirements, the student will be placed on probationary status in the program. If the deficiency is not corrected by the end of the probationary semester, the student will be removed from the program. Students on probationary status may not enroll in further professional education course work. If removed from the program, the student must apply for re-admission through the Department of Education Appeals Committee. 
  5. Enrollment in professional methods requires full admission to TEP.

NOTE: Under some circumstances, a student may be withdrawn from the Teacher Education Program. The withdrawal may be initiated by the Department of Education or by the student. Due process will be observed. (See the West Texas A&M University Code of Student Life, www.wtamu.edu/codeofstudentlife.)

Requirements for Approval to Test (State Certification Exams)
  1. Admission to Teacher Education Program,
  2. Successful completion of EPSY 3341  with a grade of “C” or above,
  3. A score of 70 on the practice Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam, and
  4. Departmental approval.
Requirements for Enrollment in Student Teaching
  1. Retention in the Teacher Education Program.
  2. Documentation of a minimum of 30 clock hours of field experience.
  3. Passing scores on the TExES PPR and content-area certification exams.
  4. Lacking no more than two courses in the teaching field(s).
Requirements for Approval to Test (State Certification Exams)
  1. Admission to Teacher Education Program and
  2. Departmental approval

General Degree Plan for Teacher Certification

Degrees leading to teacher certification will include the University Core Curriculum, teaching field and/or content course work, professional development course work, and other degree requirements (see Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees).

Student seeking grades EC-6 or 4-8 certifications will work toward a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies. An official degree plan should be requested using the online Request for Degree Plan or in the Office of Teacher Preparation and Advising, located in Old Main, Room 415. (NOTE: Students transferring to WTAMU from a community college may receive credit for either EDUC or TECA courses, but not both.)

All other students will be working toward a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, or Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in the teaching field. Degree plans will vary according to teaching content areas. A minimum of 120 semester hours is required; however, some content majors may require course work beyond the 120-hour minimum.

NOTE: Rotation of courses may be amended. Students should contact their advisors prior to each semester of enrollment to determine correct course sequences.

Certificate Information and Requirements

Students who have completed degree, student teaching, and testing requirements may apply for the standard educator certificate through the Texas Education Agency’s Educator Certification Online System; submission of fingerprints for a criminal background check will be required. Upon program recommendation, a standard certificate may be issued by the State Board for Educator Certification provided the criminal background check is clear. The certificate gives a teacher legal authority to perform duties in public schools of Texas in area(s) designated on the face of the certificate.

  • Admission to West Texas A&M University is not admission to teacher education. Admission to teacher education is based on standards approved by the Teacher Education Unit at the time the student is seeking admission to teacher education.
  • Because teacher education standards are subject to change by the Legislature and State Board for Educator Certification, students are not guaranteed to finish under the requirements listed in the catalog at the time of admission. Consult advisors for updates on degree and certification requirements.
  • No student will be recommended for certification until the student has been admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Any student who does not complete a degree and certification plan within six years or who changes to another degree plan will automatically be dropped from teacher education. The student must reapply for admission into teacher education and must complete current admission and program requirements.
  • Student teaching must be completed in residence at a public school accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or other school approved by TEA.
  • Any student who drops or fails student teaching is dropped automatically from the program and must reapply for entrance into teacher education. The student will be required to appear before an appeals committee which must approve the application before the student may be readmitted.

An individual with a previously earned bachelor’s degree may gain initial certification through WT’s Panhandle Alternative Certification for Educators (PACE) program. See wtamu.edu/pace for additional information.

For information about master’s degree programs in education, refer to the “Graduate Catalog.”

West Texas A&M University’s Title II Institutional Report may be accessed at https://title2.ed.gov.


Discipline - Course Prefix
Early Childhood - EDEC
Educational Psychology - EPSY
Elementary Education - EDEL
Special Education - EDSP
Professional Development - EDPD
Reading - EDRD
Secondary Education - EDSE

NOTE: See the “Course Descriptions ” section of this catalog for a complete list of courses offered by the University.


Degree/Teacher Certification Programs in the Department of Education:

  • Business Education (Grades 6-12) Certification
  • Computer Science (Grades 8-12) Certification
  • English Language Arts & Reading (Grades 4-8) Certification
  • English Language Arts & Reading/Social Studies (Grades 4-8) Certification
  • Generalist (Grades EC-6) Certification
  • Generalist (Grades 4-8) Certification
  • Mathematics (Grades 4-8) Certification
  • Mathematics/Science (Grades 4-8) Certification
  • Science (Grades 4-8) Certification
  • Social Studies (Grades 4-8) Certification
  • Social Studies (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • Special Education (Grades EC-12) Certification

Degree Programs/Non-certificate in the Department of Education:

  • Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.)
  • Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (B.A.A.S.)

For additional information about the B.G.S. and B.A.A.S in education, contact an advisor in the Office of Teacher Preparation and Advising, OM 415, or call 806-651-2668.

Degree/Teacher Certification Programs offered in departments outside the Department of Education:

  • Agriculture Science and Technology (Grades 6-12) Certification
  • Art (Grades EC-12) Certification
  • English Language Arts & Reading (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • History (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • Journalism (Grades 8-12) Certification
  • Life Science (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • LOTE-Spanish (Grades EC-12) Certification
  • Mathematics (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • Music (Grades EC-12) Certification
  • Physical Education (Grades EC-12) Certification
  • Physical Science (Grades 6-12) Certification
  • Science (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • Social Studies (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • Speech (Grades 7-12) Certification
  • Theatre (Grades EC-12) Certification

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