Sep 23, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbers

In fall 2004, West Texas A&M University changed from a three-digit numbering scheme to a four-digit numbering system, known as the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS). The four-digit numbers are identified as:

  • First digit identifies the level (1 = freshman, 2 = sophomore, 3 = junior, 4 = senior, 5 = stacked undergraduate/masters, 6 = masters, 7 = masters/doctoral, 8 = doctoral);
  • Second digit identifies the credit-hour value; and
  • Third and fourth digits establish the course sequence or type of course.

0001–0999—developmental courses, do not count toward degree.

1000–2999—primarily freshman and sophomore courses.

3000–4999—open to students who have completed at least 30 hours and any prerequisite.

5000–5999—graduate level stacked with undergraduate.

6000–6999—master’s level.

7000–7999—master’s/doctoral level.

8000–8999—doctoral students only.

NOTE: Students who have taken undergraduate “stacked” courses at WTAMU that have a graduate component cannot take the graduate course if they have already received credit for the corresponding undergraduate course.

Course Prefix

The course prefix indicates the assigned WTAMU course abbreviation and course number; e.g., ACCT 2301.

Course Abbreviation and Number in Brackets

A course abbreviation (prefix) and number in brackets indicates the corresponding common course number, established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, if the common course number and/or prefix is different from the WTAMU number; e.g., [GOVT 1310].

Field-of-Study Curriculum (FOSC)

Field-of-study curriculum is a set of courses that satisfy lower-division requirements for a bachelor’s degree in a specific academic area. All public four-year institutions of higher education are required to accept Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-approved field-of-study courses. Field-of-study curriculum is indicated with the abbreviation “FOSC” within the brackets indicating the common course number of a course; e.g., [MUSI 1181, 1182; FOSC].


The numbers indicate semester credit hours, lecture clock hours per week and lab clock hours per week; e.g., 3 3 0 indicates three semester credit hours, three clock hours of lecture per week and zero clock hours of lab per week.


Courses marked with (HAZ) may require the use of hazardous chemicals and/or equipment. To participate in these classes, an online “Student Laboratory Safety Training” is required and assigned through WTClass upon registration for the class. By registering for the class, the student agrees to 

  • Complete the assigned training by no later than 12th class day for fall/spring terms or 5th class day for summer terms; and
  • Acknowledge non-participation in activities if not completed by 18th class day for fall/spring terms; 10th class day for summer terms.




(Offered through the Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages.)

  • ENGL 4380 - Literary Theory

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 3380 . Introduction to the major principles of contemporary literary theory and criticism. Spring.
  • ENGL 4390 - English Capstone

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Focuses on research, documentation methods, and academic prose style. Enables students to develop, expand, and finalize their capstone projects for online publication and formal presentation. Fall.
  • ENGL 4392 - Special Topics in Literature

    3 3 0
    Concentrated study of selected genres, periods or authors. May be repeated once for credit.
  • ENGL 4393 - Honors

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): senior standing and approval of department head. Completion of a senior thesis or research project by a candidate for graduation with special honors in the department. Course must be taken in addition to the 123-hour minimum degree requirement.

Environmental Engineering


  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    EVEG 2331 - Introduction to Environmental Engineering (HAZ)

    Cross-listed with CENG 2331 .
    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 1301  and   . Introduction to environmental problems, water quality indicators and requirements, potable water quality and quantity objectives, water sources and treatment methods; water pollution control objectives and treatment methods; solid waste management and introduction to air pollution control. Fall, spring.
  • EVEG 3311 - Water Resources Engineering

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s):   and   or   or  . The hydrologic cycle: precipitation, infiltration, runoff, evapotranspiration, groundwater, and stream flow. Hydrograph analysis, flood routing, frequency analysis and urban hydrology. Hydraulics including pipe and channel flow with design applications in culverts, pumping, water distribution, storm and sanitary sewer systems. Spring
  • EVEG 3342 - Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1412 , CENG 2331  /  , and CENG 3404  /EVEG 3404 . Physical, chemical and biological processes for the treatment of water and wastewater including air stripping, congulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, absorption, chemical oxidation/disinfection, fixed film and suspended growth biological processes and sludge management. Spring
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    EVEG 3343 - Principles of Air Pollution Monitoring and Control (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1412 , CENG 2331 /EVEG 2331 , and CENG 3404 /EVEG 3404 . Prerequisite or concurrent:  , EVEG 3404 . Application of principles of environmental engineering, solid mechanics, and fluid mechanics to monitoring and control of potential air pollutants including liquids, gases and particulate matter. Required laboratory field trips. Collection and analysis of air quality data.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    EVEG 3344 - Principles of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s):   , CENG 2331 /EVEG 2331 . Application of principles of mechanics and environmental engineering to solid and hazardous waste management. Required laboratory field trips. Collection and analysis of data necessary to design solid and waste management systems including disposal and mitigation. Spring.
  • EVEG 3361 - Modeling for Environmental Engineering

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s):  /  / ,   / ,   or  . Concepts of pollutant generation, dispersion and mixing, and control processes. Introduction to groundwater pollution and air pollution modeling. Use of approved reference method models for air and water pollution. Fall
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    EVEG 3404 - Introduction to Fluid Mechanics for Civil and Environmental Engineers (HAZ)

    Cross-listed with  .
    4 3 3
    Prerequisite(s):    and  /  or   and consent of instructor. Introduction of properties of fluids, conservation of mass, energy, and momentum with applications to internal and external flows. Laboratory collection and analysis of data from experiments to determine fluid and flow field properties with emphasis on conservation principles.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    EVEG 4097 - Environmental Engineering Research (HAZ)

    1-3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s):     and consent of instructor. Selected individual research topics in environmental engineering to accommodate more substantial research than can be encountered in normal course work. May be repeated for credit a maximum of six hours. Fall
  • EVEG 4098 - Environmental Engineering Internship

    1-3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor, junior or senior standing. Internships provide a unique opportunity for students to apply engineering knowledge and skills in the workplace. Fall, spring, summer two.
  • EVEG 4340 - Environmental Systems Engineering

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s):   or   ; two from    . Introduction to system dynamics and control theory with application of systems thinking and techniques to environmental engineering problems. Spring
  • EVEG 4341 - Groundwater Hydrology and Modeling

    3 3 0
    Introduction to flow through porous media and Darcy’s Law. Application of fluid dynamics principles to groundwater flow. Fall
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    EVEG 4381 - Environmental Engineering Design I (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): Senior classification and consent of instructor. Project selected for engineering design team with primary application of air quality, water quality, or solid waste and hazardous material management.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    EVEG 4382 - Environmental Engineering Design II (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): Senior classification and consent of instructor. Project selected for engineering design team with primary application of air quality, water quality, or solid waste and hazardous material management, but not the same sub-discipline as for EVEG 4381.

Environmental Science

  • ENVR 1407 - Fundamentals of Environmental Science

    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1406 . Introduces the field of environmental science. Covers the fundamental concepts, issues and concerns associated with natural and man-made environmental problems. Course fee $15, HAZ fee $6. Fall.
  • ENVR 3092 - Special Topics

    1-6 0-6 0-12
    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. Consideration in recent advances in environmental sciences. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours credit. Course fee $15.
  • ENVR 3434 - Numerical Methods in Environmental Science

    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 1316  or MATH 2412 . Introduces quantitative problem solving in the earth and environmental sciences. Focuses on quantifying uncertainty and applying numerical methods and simplifying assumptions to obtain solutions to real-life problems. Fall.
  • ENVR 4095 - Problems

    1-6 0-6 0-12
    Prerequisite(s): permission of department head. Independent studies in environmental science not covered by regular courses. Fall, spring, summer I, summer II.
  • ENVR 4098 - Internship in Environmental Science

    1-3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): 60 hours of core courses. Two to six weeks internship at a plant, business or agency to observe and participate in daily operations, under supervision of cooperating personnel involved in environmental aspects of the place. Fall, spring, summer I, summer II.
  • ENVR 4301 - Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): 60 hours of core courses. Preparation, review, evaluation and interpretation of environmental impact statements and environmental documents. Fall of even years.
  • ENVR 4302 - Environmental Law

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): adviser’s approval. Fundamental study of legal aspects and responsibilities of businesses, industries and agencies. Spring.
  • ENVR 4305 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    3 2 2
    The combination of mapping and databases to provide combinations of spatial information and modeling capabilities in a multi-disciplinary format. Introduction of basic concepts and data sources, including global positioning systems and basic output products. Course fee $17. Spring.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    ENVR 4306 - Hazardous Waste Site Assessment (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Course provides the student with OSHA 1910.120 certification to work on hazardous waste sites as well as advanced skills in site assessment, sampling protocols, and the selection and use of safety equipment. Course fee $30. May intersession.
  • ENVR 4307 - Environmental Project Management

    3 3 0
    Provides students with project management skills required for certification in the PM discipline. Structured to match a project’s life cycle, this course covers detailed topics of the basic concepts of project management, including initiating projects, planning projects, controlling projects, executing projects and closing projects. Fall of odd years.
  • ENVR 4310 - Global Agriculture and the Environment

    Same as AGRI 4310 .
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): PSES 2411  or BIOL 3418  or consent of instructor. Discussion of agriculture systems and practices in relation to how they affect environmental quality from local to global scales. Fall.
  • ENVR 4340 - Environmental Project Management

    3 3 0
    Provides students with project management skills required for certification in the PM discipline. Structured to match a project’s life cycle, course covers detailed topics of basic concepts of project management, including initiating projects, planning projects, controlling projects, executing projects, and closing projects. Fall.
  • ENVR 4350 - Computer Applications in Hydrogeology

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 3350 . Solving hydrogeology problems using real data and utilizing commercially available software. Examples of problems include direction and velocity of groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and volume and depletion calculations of confined and unconfined aquifers. Same as  . Course fee $15.
  • ENVR 4377 - Toxicology

    Same as BIOL 4377  .
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s):   and   or  , or equivalent with instructor’s consent. Fundamentals of medical and environmental toxicology. Emphasizes major classes of pharmaceuticals and environmental pollutants, target organ and non-target organ directed toxicity, exposure assessment in occupational and environmental settings, toxicological methods, and current topics. Fall.
  • ENVR 4404 - Environmental Sampling and Interpretation

    4 3 2
    Hands-on experience in sampling, data validation and interpretation of air, water, soil and biota parameters using current EPA and state protocols. Planning, chain-of-custody, quality assurance and sampling technique. Course fee $15. Spring.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    ENVR 4430 - Introduction to Dendrochronology (HAZ)

    Same as BIOL 4430 .
    4 3 2
    Dendrochronology or tree-ring science; principles and applications to archaeology, environmental studies, ecology and climatology. Same as  . Course fee $21.


(Offered through the Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance.)

  • FIN 1307 - Introduction to Personal Finance

    3 3 0
    Problems related to financing family and individual needs. Topics include budgeting, credit management, consumer and student loans, buying a house, buying a car, banking, saving, insurance and personal taxes. Open to business and non-business majors.
  • FIN 3311 - Real Estate Finance

    3 3 0
    Legal nature of real estate mortgages, kinds of mortgages, second liens, real estate bonds, land contracts, lease-back, savings and loan associations, bank finance, mortgage banking, loan applications, title analysis, financing forms, FHA and conventional loans.
  • FIN 3320 - Business Finance

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2301 , ACCT 2302  or concurrent enrollment, and   or concurrent enrollment. Organization, financing and management of a business organization. Topics covering financial instruments, optimum capitalization mixes, leverage, capital budgeting and cost of capital are developed.
  • FIN 3335 - Processes of Risk Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 3320  or consent of instructor. Comprehensive overview of financial, legal and operational aspects of commercial risk management and insurance process as practiced in business and industrial settings.
  • FIN 3350 - Personal Financial Planning

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 3320  or consent of instructor. Strategies and methods of effective financial planning. Cash and credit management procedures; credit bureau reports and identity theft; debt, foreclosure and bankruptcy; risk management; retirement, estate and investment planning techniques.
  • FIN 4096 - Supervised Readings in Finance

    1-6 0-6 0
    Prerequisite(s): 12 semester hours of advanced work in a business major, junior standing, approval of department head. Current problems in finance through reading business periodicals, government publications and books which have had a profound influence in the financial world.
  • FIN 4311 - Corporate Governance and Ethics

    3 3 0
    Comprehensive overview of current issues in corporate governance and ethics. Topics include theory of the firm, corporate governance and the role of law, board composition and control, executive compensation, corporate citizenship and accountability, ethical decision making, corporate fraud and international governance.
  • FIN 4315 - Contemporary Issues in Tax Planning and Finance

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2302 . Introduction to income-tax law and how that law interfaces with business, investment, personal activities and decisions.
  • FIN 4320 - Investments

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 3320  or consent of instructor. Emphasizing the commitment of funds to various security forms such as common stocks, bonds, warrants, convertible bonds, liquid assets and other securities. Industry analysis also is required.
  • FIN 4321 - Portfolio Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s):  . Methods of modern portfolio analysis and management. Topics include selection of assets, investment styles, portfolio performance evaluation, efficient markets, diversification, international investing and risk analysis. Students will design and implement investment strategies. May be repeated once for credit with consent of instructor.
  • FIN 4323 - International Finance

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 3320  or consent of instructor. Financial management concepts and practices unique to multi-national firms with cases and lectures on risk analysis, financing methods, long-range planning and other topics. Emphasis on pragmatic handling of topical problems in international finance.
  • FIN 4324 - Management of Financial Services

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 3320  or consent of instructor. Management of financial intermediaries of both depository and non-depository form. Consideration of institutional objectives; environmental, legal and regulatory constraints; changing trends in the development and provision of financial services to both commercial and individual sectors.
  • FIN 4325 - Financial Analysis with Technology Applications

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s):   or consent of instructor. Technology applications of financial analysis that reinforces students’ understanding of fundamental topics in finance. Sample topics include time value of money, financial statement analysis, stock valuation, bond valuation, portfolio theory, option pricing model, and capital budgeting.
  • FIN 4326 - Financial Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 3320 . Responsibility of the chief financial officer of the firm with regard to short-term, intermediate-term and long-term financial planning. Decision-making function within realities of the financial world.
  • FIN 4328 - Futures and Options

    Same as AGBE 4328 .
    3 3 0
    Theory and practical trading application for agricultural commodities’ futures and options markets.
  • FIN 4331 - Gift and Estate Planning

    Same as  .
    3 3 0
    Study of efficient accumulation, conservation and distribution of acquired property. Topics covered include estate planning techniques, identification and use of appropriate forms of wills and trusts, techniques for reducing tax obligations, legal issues associated with transferring wealth, and post-mortem planning techniques.
  • FIN 4350 - Sales Management of Financial Services

    3 3 0
    Planning, implementing, and controlling the financial companies’ client relations and sales function. Topics include analysis of sales territories, personnel management for financial services, fiduciary responsibility, management of proprietary client information, and social media as a sales management tool.
  • FIN 4365 - Case Studies in Financial Planning

    3 3 0
    Case analysis using principles and techniques related to financial planning. Topics include ethical considerations, client relationships, regulation and certification requirements, written communication skills, presentation of technical issues, and professional responsibility.
  • FIN 4368 - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits

    3 3 0
    An examination of the retirement planning process. An appreciation of the usefulness of employee benefits and the ability to counsel others on important retirement and employee benefit decisions. Corporate pension and profit  sharing plans, self-employed plans, IRAs, annuities, health insurance, and social security will be discussed.
  • FIN 4370 - Health Care Finance

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s):   or consent of instructor. Financial management concepts and practices unique to health care organizations. Topics include financial statement analysis, capital budgeting, long-range planning and risk analysis.
  • FIN 4398 - Internship in Finance

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): junior standing, approval of department head. On-the-job experience in a phase of the finance profession. Must be first-time experience on a full-time basis.


  • FREN 1411 - Elementary French I

    4 3 2
    Intensive practice in understanding, speaking, reading and writing French. Course fee $10. Fall.
  • FREN 1412 - Elementary French II

    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s): FREN 1411  or equivalent. Continuation of FREN 1411 . Functional French. Course fee $10. Spring.
  • FREN 3094 - Individual Study

    1-3 0 0
    Individual study designed to meet needs and interests of the student.

Gender Studies

  • GNDR 3301 - Introduction to Gender Studies

    3 3 0
    Interdisciplinary introduction to Gender Studies. Covers historical constructions and contemporary conceptualizations of gender across varied fields. Required for Gender Studies certificate. Fall.
  • GNDR 4397 - Gender Studies Research

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): GNDR 3301 Work with professor to produce an original work in Gender Studies. Capstone to Gender Studies certificate.

Generic Special Education

  • EDSP 4095 - Problems in Special Education

    1-3 0 0
    Actual problems relating to special education. To be taken only after prearrangement with a faculty member and approval of department head. May be repeated once when topics vary.
  • EDSP 4343 - Student Teaching-Generic Special

    Prerequisite(s): professional education courses required prior to student teaching semester; admission and retention in teacher education; required grade point averages; elementary-lack no more than two courses in interdisciplinary course work and one course in generic special education course work; secondary-lack no more than one course in generic special education course work; lack no more than 15 semester hours for completion of degree/deficiency plan program (excluding student teacher courses). Students completing secondary certification enroll in EDSE 4340  and EDSP 4343. Students completing elementary certification with generic special education subject concentration are required to enroll in EDEL 4340  and EDSP 4343 for a minimum required credit of six semester hours. Students will successfully complete six weeks of student teaching at the elementary generic special-education level. Successful completion will be noted on the student’s transcript by a grade of “S,” indicating three semester hours credit with no grade points.
  • EDSP 4351 - Exceptionality in Children

    3 3 0
    In-depth study of individuals with special needs, including understanding individuals with disabilities and evaluating their needs, with an emphasis on student learning and development, and on professional roles and responsibilities of special educators. Field-based course.
  • EDSP 4352 - Teaching Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

    3 3 0
    Educational delivery options, classroom, organization, behavior management, curriculum and instructional aids and materials useful in education of the learner with intellectual disabilities. Field-based course.
  • EDSP 4354 - Learning and Behavior Disorders

    3 3 0
    Introduction to learning disabilities and emotional disturbances. Field-based course.
  • EDSP 4355 - Individual Assessment Techniques

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): EDSP 4351  and EDSP 4354 . Techniques and procedures for testing exceptional learners, interpretation assessment procedures and the application for writing individual educational programs. Field-based course.
  • EDSP 4357 - Educational Procedures for Adolescents

    3 3 0
    Designed to develop understanding and competence in educational procedures and programs for students with learning impairments in the secondary school. Emphasis on remedial and compensatory strategies, career education and adaptation of instructional materials. Field-based course.
  • EDSP 4358 - Theories of Multiple Disabilities

    3 3 0
    Adaption of instruction and physical environment for those whose language, motor, sensory or medical impairments necessitate specialized intervention to meet educational, physical and psychological needs. Field-based course.
  • EDSP 4359 - Behavior Management of Exceptional Children

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): EDSP 4351 , EDSP 4352  and EDSP 4354 . Applied behavior analysis, behavior therapy and management techniques with emphasis on environmental manipulation and management of surface behaviors. Field-based course.
  • EDSP 4369 - Special Education Methods

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s):  EPSY 3341  and admission into Teacher Education Program. Field-based course designed for special education majors to master instructional strategies, technologies, collaboration techniques and communication skills for use with students who have mild, moderate and severe/multiple disabilities in appropriate environments.


  • GEOG 1302 - People in Places

    3 3 0
    Analysis of the world’s culture regions. Population characteristics, settlement patterns, economic activity and politico-geographic problems.
  • GEOG 2310 - Map Reading

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): GEOG 1302 . Introduction to reading and interpreting maps. The relationship between physical environment and human activities, boundaries, transportation, settlement types, land use and place names may be considered. Topics include cartographic projections, decision-making in cartography, uses and limitations of GIS. Spring of odd years.
  • GEOG 2320 - Contemporary World Geographies

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): GEOG 1302 . Global patterns of social, cultural, economic and political difference, as well as the processes creating them. Topics may include colonialism/imperialism, (anti-) development, human rights, environmental concerns, feminist geography and geography of race. Spring of even years.
  • GEOG 3302 - United States and Canada

    3 3 0
    Cultural and physical geography of the United States and Canada emphasizing population, agriculture, mining and manufacturing.
  • GEOG 3308 - Environment and Man

    Same as GESC 3308 .
    3 3 0
    Efficient utilization and development of resources with topical consideration of water, energy, minerals, soil, forests, grassland and wildlife, and the relationship between population and resource use and management. Case studies emphasize Texas and the Texas Panhandle area.
  • GEOG 3313 - Meteorology

    Same as GESC 3313 .
    3 3 0
    Systematic study of weather elements and control of atmosphere. World regional study of climate.
  • GEOG 3340 - Geographies of Islam

    3 3 0
    Foundations of Islam, early diffusion, regional variation in Muslim practices, women in Islam, Islam and the “War on Terror,” and other topics. Third-year course. Spring of even years.
  • GEOG 3350 - World Regional Geography

    3 3 0
    Analysis of physical and human geography of the world, its regions and subregions, with emphasis on globalization, contemporary issues and inter- and intra-regional relationships.
  • GEOG 4095 - Problems in Geography

    1-6 0 0
    Independent study of a selected geographic problem. May be repeated when topic varies for a total of six credit hours.
  • GEOG 4305 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    Same as ENVR 4305 .
    3 2 2
    Research tool combining mapping and databases to provide combinations of spatial information and modeling capabilities in a multi-disciplinary format. Introduction of basic concepts of geographic information systems (GIS), GIS data sources, including global positioning systems and basic output products. Course fee $17.
  • GEOG 4331 - Texas

    3 3 0
    Physical, demographic, social and economic geography of Texas.
  • GEOG 4390 - Senior Seminar

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): GEOG 1302 , GEOG 2310 , GEOG 2320 , 12 additional hours of geography course work. Capstone experience for geographic education. Students select a geographic topic to research in detail. A written research paper and presentation to WTAMU’s geography community are required. Spring.
  • GEOG 4392 - Special Topics in Geography

    3 3 0
    Advanced study of issues and problems in geography. Topics will vary by semester. May be repeated once for credit when topics vary.


  • GEOL 1401 - Earth Science I

    4 3 2
    Solar system, stars, earth-sun relations and earth materials, processes, landscapes, structures, resources and history with selected laboratory exercises and experiments to demonstrate earth science principles. Students may not receive degree credit for both GEOL 1401 and GEOL 1403 . Course fee $21. Fall, spring.
  • GEOL 1402 - Earth Science II

    4 3 2
    Introductory study of atmosphere, oceans, weather and climate, vegetation and soils with selected laboratory exercises and experiments to demonstrate earth science principles. Course fee $21. Fall, spring.
  • GEOL 1403 - Physical Geology

    4 3 2
    Natural environment of man, including materials, structure and processes of the earth with selected exercises and experiments to demonstrate principles of physical geology. Students may not receive degree credit for both GEOL 1401  and GEOL 1403 or NSCI 2371 . Course fee $21. Fall.
  • GEOL 1404 - Historical Geology

    4 3 2
    History of the earth and its life with selected exercises and experiments to demonstrate principles of historical geology. Course fee $15. Spring.
  • GEOL 2471 - Mineralogy

    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 1403  or concurrent enrollment, CHEM 1411  or concurrent enrollment. Classification, composition, structure, origin, occurrence, properties, identification and uses of minerals. Course fee $20. Fall of even years.
  • GEOL 2475 - Petrology

    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 2471 . Introduction to origins, characteristics and associations of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Course fee $26. Spring of odd years.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    GEOL 3092 - Special Topics (HAZ)

    1-6 0-6 1-12
    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. Consideration of recent advances in geology. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours credit. Course fee $21.
  • GEOL 3311 - Structural Geology

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 1403 , GEOL 1404  or consent of instructor. Descriptive and interpretive study of rock structure. Course fee $15. Spring of odd years.
  • GEOL 3312 - Geomorphology

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 1403 , GEOL 1404  or consent of instructor. Descriptive and interpretive study of land forms. Fall of even years.
  • GEOL 3325 - Environmental Geology

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 1403 , GEOL 1404 . Characteristics and limitations of earth materials. Geologic processes, cycles and associated geologic hazards. Land use and environmental planning. Fall.
  • GEOL 3350 - Hydrogeology

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 1403 , GEOL 1404 ; CHEM 1411 ; MATH 1314 , MATH 1316 ; or consent of instructor. Principles of run-off and stream transport, basin analysis, groundwater flow and water chemistry. Course fee $15. Fall.
  • GEOL 3406 - Paleontology (HAZ)

    Same as BIOL 3406 .
    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 1404  or BIOL 1413  or permission of instructor. Origin, classification, morphology, evolution, paleoecology, geographic distribution and geologic occurrences of fossil animals. Field collecting. Identification and museum preparation of fossils in the laboratory. Course fee $21. Spring of even years.
  • GEOL 4095 - Problems in Geology

    1-6 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): instructor’s permission. Library, field and laboratory research on geologic problems. Fall, spring.
  • GEOL 4098 - Internship in Geology

    1-4 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and 60 hours of completed coursework. Semester or summer internship with private industry, government agency, or a practicing independent geologist to observe and participate in daily operations so as to provide practical experience and training in the geological profession. Not to be used as one of the required upper division geology electives. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours credit. Fall
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    GEOL 4305 - Field Methods (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): GEOL 1403 , GEOL 1404 . Introduction to geologic mapping techniques and geologic reconnaissance. Introduction in uses of Brunton compass, hand level, aerial photography and topographic maps. Taught during six weekends and an eight-day field trip during spring break. Course fee $46. Spring of even years.
  • GEOL 4350 - Computer Applications in Hydrogeology

    Same as ENVR 4350 .
    3 2 2
    Solving hydrogeological problems using real data and utilizing commercially available software. Examples of problems include direction and velocity of groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and volume and depletion calculations of confined and unconfined aquifers. Course fee $15.


  • GESC 3303 - Oceanography

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): six to eight hours of introductory lab science, including a three- or four-hour course in geology or earth science, or permission of instructor. History of oceanography; origin and distribution of oceans; geology of the sea floor and coastal land forms; physical and chemical characteristics of seawater; currents, waves and tides; coastal waters; biology of marine environments; marine resources and pollution. Spring of odd years.
  • GESC 3308 - Environment and Man

    Same as GEOG 3308 .
    3 3 0
    Efficient utilization and development of resources with topical consideration of water, energy, minerals, soil, forest, grasslands and wildlife, and the relationship between population and resource use and management. Case studies emphasize Texas and the Texas Panhandle area. Fall.

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