Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbers

In fall 2004, West Texas A&M University changed from a three-digit numbering scheme to a four-digit numbering system, known as the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS). The four-digit numbers are identified as:

  • First digit identifies the level (1 = freshman, 2 = sophomore, 3 = junior, 4 = senior, 5 = stacked undergraduate/masters, 6 = masters, 7 = masters/doctoral, 8 = doctoral);
  • Second digit identifies the credit-hour value; and
  • Third and fourth digits establish the course sequence or type of course.

0001–0999—developmental courses, do not count toward degree.

1000–2999—primarily freshman and sophomore courses.

3000–4999—open to students who have completed at least 30 hours and any prerequisite.

5000–5999—graduate level stacked with undergraduate.

6000–6999—master’s level.

7000–7999—master’s/doctoral level.

8000–8999—doctoral students only.

NOTE: Students who have taken undergraduate “stacked” courses at WTAMU that have a graduate component cannot take the graduate course if they have already received credit for the corresponding undergraduate course.

Course Prefix

The course prefix indicates the assigned WTAMU course abbreviation and course number; e.g., ACCT 2301.

Course Abbreviation and Number in Brackets

A course abbreviation (prefix) and number in brackets indicates the corresponding common course number, established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, if the common course number and/or prefix is different from the WTAMU number; e.g., [GOVT 1310].

Field-of-Study Curriculum (FOSC)

Field-of-study curriculum is a set of courses that satisfy lower-division requirements for a bachelor’s degree in a specific academic area. All public four-year institutions of higher education are required to accept Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-approved field-of-study courses. Field-of-study curriculum is indicated with the abbreviation “FOSC” within the brackets indicating the common course number of a course; e.g., [MUSI 1181, 1182; FOSC].


The numbers indicate semester credit hours, lecture clock hours per week and lab clock hours per week; e.g., 3 3 0 indicates three semester credit hours, three clock hours of lecture per week and zero clock hours of lab per week.


Courses marked with (HAZ) may require the use of hazardous chemicals and/or equipment. To participate in these classes, an online “Student Laboratory Safety Training” is required and assigned through WTClass upon registration for the class. By registering for the class, the student agrees to 

  • Complete the assigned training by no later than 12th class day for fall/spring terms or 5th class day for summer terms; and
  • Acknowledge non-participation in activities if not completed by 18th class day for fall/spring terms; 10th class day for summer terms.



Sports and Exercise Sciences

  • SES 3306 - Human Sexuality

    3 3 0
    Physical, psychological, social and comparative cultural aspects of sexual behavior, reproduction, sex education, family health, disease process, and biological and sexual dysfunctions.
  • SES 3311 - Principles of Instruction in Physical Activity

    3 3 0
    Principles of skills and techniques used in instructional delivery. Unit and lesson planning, class management, teaching aids, implementation and evaluation in a physical activity setting.
  • SES 3316 - Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

    3 3 0
    Effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco on physiological, mental, and psychological health and well-being with a focus on prevention education for self-responsibility.
  • SES 3320 - Instructional Methodologies for Youth

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): SES 3311  or department head approval. Developmentally appropriate physical activity programming for children and youth. Emphasis on cognitive, affective and psychomotor instructional strategies.
  • SES 3321 - Motor Development

    3 3 0
    Assessment of motor development in individuals, infant to adult; instructional applications of motor skills to appropriate levels of development; design of motor skill acquisition sequences for basic motor skills of running, jumping, throwing, catching, striking, kicking and for complex sport motor skills.
  • SES 3325 - Programming for Health and Wellness of Children

    3 2 2
    Contemporary issues related to school health and physical education programs. Content will include health promotion, communication skills, goal-setting and decision-making, motor-skill development, components of physical fitness, personal fitness programming, nutrition and its impact on health and performance, and safety. Course required for elementary teacher certification.
  • SES 3340 - Sport Nutrition

    3 2 2
    Review of knowledge associated with nutritional strategies used to enhance sport and exercise performance.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    SES 3341 - Exercise Physiology (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s):   and   or consent of instructor. Physiological adaptations to acute and chronic exercise stress. Classroom focus: practical discussion on fundamental topics within Exercise Physiology (metabolism, endocrinology, hemodynamics and extreme environments). Laboratory focus: performance testing (maximal oxygen consumption, maximal anaerobic power, body composition and biological/biochemical analyses). Foundational course for students pursuing degrees in Health Science.
  • SES 3345 - Stress Management

    3 3 0
    Stress management and its relationship to health, disease and motor performance. Analysis of everyday stressors and intervention strategies for managing stress effectively.
  • SES 3356 - Theory and Practice of Strength Training and Conditioning

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): SES 3302  or consent of instructor. Scientific principles and current techniques for sports-specific fitness and performance. Screenings for athletes, functional fitness and skills testing, program development and evaluation, and exercise supervision.
  • SES 3382 - Outdoor Living

    3 3 0
    Knowledge, techniques and skills for safe enjoyment in the outdoor natural environment.
  • SES 3392 - Special Topics

  • SES 4098 - Internship

    1-6 0 0
    Supervised internship in agencies as prescribed and arranged by the department. Translation and extension of knowledge in professionally supervised practice with individuals, groups and communities. May be repeated for credit with department approval for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
  • SES 4302 - Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition

    3 3 0
    Introductory course of fundamental principles related to learning and retention of motor skills and related effective teaching practices. Topics include motor-learning theories, demonstration and modeling, whole-part learning, feedback, practice, transfer of skill, rituals, and gender differences in motor learning and performance. Fall.
  • SES 4322 - Applied Instruction in Physical Activity

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): SES 3311  or department head approval. Application of skills and techniques used in instructional delivery. Unit and lesson planning, class management, teaching aids, implementation and evaluation in a physical activity setting will be assessed in an applied setting.
  • SES 4325 - Sport Psychology

    3 3 0
    Application of research findings as they apply to psychological performance factors in sport, physical education and exercise settings, such as motivation/adherence, stress management, personality and psychological skills training.
  • SES 4326 - Sport Sociology

    3 3 0
    Analysis of sport as a social institution and interrelations between sport and societal subsystems. Analysis of contemporary problems associated with sport: race relations, the traditional and emergent role of women, leisure behavior, aggression and violence, and political and economic concerns.
  • SES 4327 - Exercise Psychology

    3 3 0
    Exploration of theory and research findings regarding psychological aspects of exercise adoption, healthy lifestyle and behavior change. Implications of the importance of physical activity for health and fitness professionals and its potential impact on exercising and sedentary populations.
  • SES 4328 - Psychology of Injury

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): at least junior status. In-depth examination of commonly used interventions designed to maximize performance of individual athletes and teams with an exploration of psychosocial antecedents to athletic injury and factors related to the psychological experience and treatment of the injured athlete.
  • SES 4330 - Professional Issues in Sport and Exercise Sciences

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or department head approval. Comprehensive overview of careers within the field of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Lectures related to the practical elements of the major. Lecture content includes legal and ethical issues, leadership and management principles and fiscal responsibility. Practicum experiences include portfolio and resume creation, interviewing skills, networking opportunities and community service.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    SES 4340 - Clinical Exercise Physiology (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): SES 3341 . Provides students with the knowledge and skills required to competently practice as clinical exercise physiologists. Course is structured according to the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) published in the current edition of “ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription” and prepares students to sit for multiple credentialing examinations offered by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
  • SES 4341 - Sport Biomechanics

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): SES 3302 . Principles of mechanics to the study of human motion. Emphasis on theory and quantitative analysis.
  • SES 4343 - Research Methodology

    3 2 1
    Prerequisite(s):     Academic research skills, with special focus on scientific writing and statistical analysis within the Health Sciences. Fall.
  • SES 4394 - Individual Problems in Sports and Exercise Sciences

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): approval of department head. Independent study, under direction of a faculty member, within the fields of exercise and sport. May be repeated once for credit.
  • SES 4442 - Advanced Exercise Physiology

    4 3 2
    Prerequisite(s):   , or consent of instructor. Physiological adaptations to acute and chronic exercise stress. Classroom focus: exercise metabolism, exercise endocrinology, exercise hemodynamics, and exercise in extreme environments. Laboratory focus: indirect calorimetry, stress testing, anthropometry, hematology, and other advanced exercise testing. Capstone course for students pursuing a degree in Exercise Science. Lab fee $30. Fall.


(Offered through the Department of Art, Theatre and Dance.)

  • THRE 1120 - Drama Workshop Practicum

    [DRAM 1120]
    1 0 2
    Practical experience and instruction in the theatrical production process. May be repeated up to a total of six semester hours. Fall, spring.
  • THRE 1310 - Introduction to Theatre Arts

    [DRAM 1310]
    3 3 0
    Not for credit to theatre majors. Various aspects of theatre arts: acting, theatre architecture, dramatic theory, theatre history and various areas of production. Fall, spring.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    THRE 1330 - Stagecraft (HAZ)

    [DRAM 1330]
    3 3 0
    Planning and techniques of constructing stage settings and special scenic units for all types of productions. Spring.
  • THRE 1341 - Make-Up

    [DRAM 1341]
    3 3 0
    Relationship between stage characterization and stage make-up. Each student gains practical experience in applying make-up. Spring, fall.
  • THRE 1342 - Costume Technology

    3 2 2
    Planning and techniques for constructing costumes and special accessories for all types of productions. Fall.
  • THRE 1351 - Acting I: Basic Techniques

    [DRAM 1351]
    3 3 0
    Development of basic acting skills and introduction to foundational theories. Emphasis on physical expression. Fall.
  • THRE 1352 - Acting II: Character Development

    [DRAM 1352]
    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1351 . Further development of basic acting skills with emphasis on character development. Discovery, discussion and exercise of inner-action. Connection of physical and emotional expression. Spring.
  • THRE 1361 - Musical Theatre I

    3 3 0
    Foundational analysis and performance of musical theatre.
  • THRE 1371 - Script Analysis

    3 3 0
    Introduction to the analysis of dramatic texts for the purposes of acting, directing, and/or designing for the theatre. Fall.
  • THRE 1373 - Fundamentals of Design

    3 3 0
    Principles and practices of theatre design including the elements of design and the fundamental principles of art and its application to the areas of set, light and costume design. Spring.
  • THRE 2074 - Individual Problems

    1-3 0 0
    Individual study designed to meet needs and interests of the student. May be repeated. Fall, spring.
  • THRE 2076 - Summer Theatre I

    1-3 0 0-6
    May be repeated for a total of six semester hours. A maximum of three semester hours may count toward the major. Summer I, summer II.
  • THRE 2331 - Stagecraft II

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1373 . Survey of theatre technology and production crafts. Topics include drafting, scenic construction, properties, rigging, scenic painting, metal work, electricity and audio.
  • THRE 2335 - Lighting Technology

    3 2 2
    The study of the practical application and technology of stage lighting including history, electricity, conventional and moving lighting instruments, dimming systems, consoles and control systems and related paperwork. Fall
  • THRE 2374 - Actor’s Voice and Movement

    3 3 0
    Use and training of the voice and body for the stage. Vocal process, regional dialect control, physical centeredness, expression and versatility. Fall of odd years.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    THRE 2385 - Rendering for the Theatre (HAZ)

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1330  or THRE 1373 . Investigation of traditional drawing and painting methods and materials used by theatrical designers. Application of computer technology in the creation of renderings, drafting and painter’s elevations. Software training includes Photoshop and Sketch-Up. Fall of odd years.
  • THRE 3076 - Summer Theatre II

    1-3 0 0-6
    Prerequisite(s): six semester hours of theatre, English or education. May be repeated for a total of six semester hours. A maximum of three semester hours may count toward the major. Summer I, summer II.
  • THRE 3094 - Individual Problems

    1-3 0 0
    Individual study designed to meet needs and interests of the student. May be repeated. Fall, spring.
  • Student Laboratory Safety Training

    THRE 3199 - Advanced Drama Workshop Practicum (HAZ)

    1 0 2
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1120  (three hours). Advanced experience and instruction in the theatrical production process. May be repeated up to a total of six semester hours. Fall, spring.
  • THRE 3312 - Play Direction I

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1371  and THRE 1352 . Directing theory, directing history and play analysis. Emphasis on intrinsic and extrinsic interpretation as well as composition, ensemble and director-actor communication. Research and preparation for theatrical production. Fall of even years.
  • THRE 3313 - Musical Theatre Direction and Choreography

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 3361  and six hours of DANC. Specialized instruction regarding direction and choreography of musical productions. Emphasis on formal analysis of musical theatre literature. Spring.
  • THRE 3335 - Concepts in Light Design

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1373  and THRE 2331 . Theory and practice in light design and equipment. Application of lighting to stage production through play analysis, color theory and development of a light plot.
  • THRE 3342 - Concepts in Costume Design

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1342 , THRE 1373 . Theory and practice in costume design creating costume designs through script, color and historical analysis. Practical application through rendering and working drawings. Spring of even years.
  • THRE 3351 - Acting III: Shakespeare

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1352 . Development of Shakespearean acting technique, language and characters. Exploration of Elizabethan period mannerisms, physicality, etiquette, social environment and behavior. Fall of even years.
  • THRE 3361 - Musical Theatre II

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1361 . Advanced analysis and performance of musical theatre.
  • THRE 3363 - Musical Theatre History

    3 3 0
    Development of American Musical Theatre from its beginnings to present. Chronological study of Musical Theatre literature and its impact. Spring.
  • THRE 3370 - Theatre Fundamentals

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1371 , THRE 3312 . Synthesis of theatre subjects, processes and theories for presentation and demonstration. Integration of acting, directing, history, technical theatre and design.
  • THRE 3373 - Theatre Teaching Methods

    3 3 0
    Teaching methods for elementary and secondary theatre education. Emphasis on planning, practice and assessment. Spring of even years.
  • THRE 3374 - Actor’s Voice and Movement II

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 2374 . Advanced use and training of voice and body for stage. Advanced voice and diction process, advanced expression and movement, including stage combat and commedia dell arte. Spring of even years.
  • THRE 3375 - Stage Combat

    3 3 0
    Introduction to basic theatrical stage combat including safety, terminology, weaponry, and acting technique involving violence. Spring.
  • THRE 3385 - Scene Painting

    3 2 2
    Prerequisite(s):   . Introduction to and practical application of processes, materials, and techniques used in painting theatrical scenery. Students study color theory, trompe l’oiel, additive and subtractive mixing, and the manipulation of two-dimensional space through the use of form and color. Spring.
  • THRE 3392 - Special Topics in Theatre

    3 3 0
    Specialized study in theatre as necessary due to advances in technology, research or performance. May be repeated once.
  • THRE 4161 - Musical Theatre Repertoire

    1 1 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 3361 . Advanced study of standard musical theatre repertoire, audition techniques and the business of musical theatre. May be repeated for a total of four semester hours. Fall.
  • THRE 4312 - Play Direction II

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 3312 . Application of research and analysis through auditioning, casting, rehearsing and producing a studio one-act play. Application of directing theory, policy and procedure. Spring of odd years.
  • THRE 4335 - Concepts in Scenic Design

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1373 , THRE 2331 , THRE 3335 . Theory and practice in scenic design creating stage settings through script, color and architectural analysis. Practical application through rendering and/or modeling and technical drawings.
  • THRE 4345 - Stage Management

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1371 , THRE 1373 . Designed as an introduction to the art and practice of managing a live production for theatre. Styles of management and techniques used in professional and educational theatre are explored. Emphasis on organization and communication. Every other year.
  • THRE 4351 - Advanced Acting: Camera Technique

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 3351 . Advanced study of acting with emphasis on camera technique and professional preparation. Spring of even years.
  • THRE 4352 - Advanced Acting: Scene Study

    3 3 0
    Prerequisite(s): THRE 1371  and THRE 3351 . Advanced analysis and performance of dramatic text. Rehearsal and development of the two-character scene. Focus on language, action and relationships. Spring.
  • THRE 4361 - Theatre History I

    3 3 0
    Development of theatre from its beginnings through the 1500s. Chronological study of theatre as a worldwide institution. Fall of even years.
  • THRE 4362 - Theatre History II

    3 3 0
    Development of theatre from 1600 through the present. Chronological study of theatre as a worldwide institution. Spring of odd years.
  • THRE 4393 - Honors

    3 0 0
    Prerequisite(s): senior standing and approval of theatre faculty. Completion of a senior thesis or research project by a student who is a candidate for graduation with honors in the department. Fall, spring.

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